re your…
“It is obvious that we, The American People, out of a false sense of “equality and fair play” have allowed a gang of foreign communist conspirators opportunities in seizing control of Our Country without firing a shot. I never thought we would become so careless, by permitting a loss of our freedom happening, especially in a manner like this!!”
That statement would be timely in 1913, then again in 1929, 1934, and or Dec 8th 1941. “We” didn’t want any part of many things that happened to the USA. “We” wanted to be a neutral isolationist country, but “they” Foreigners I assume, wanted to “tap” into our tax dollars and bodies. Think about it.
The way I see it…”They” took so much from the USA gradually that we had that final tipping point meltdown in ’08, and ….
Now “they” (foreign influence) can’t take so much anymore, and things are naturally going against them, things trying to right themselves. REVERSE GEAR. The only REALLY good years we had was 1945 to 1975, and THAT was NOT intended.