Thanks for posting about Sandy Hook. From the research I’ve done into this giant fraud/hoax I would say it is too big to ever be satisfactorily resolved since it appears that everyone in Connecticut, from the top politicians down to the individual property owners in the Newtown/Sandy Hook area, are personally and financially involved. Then there are also the Sandy Hook “families of victims” who are still raking in $$millions annually as they tour to encourage gun confiscation…….And lest we not forget the phony photo-op by Obama, proving his complicity, or perhaps leadership, in pulling off this many trillion $$ hoax which has been charged to the American people.
I’d say they need to start from the very top, impeach that criminal and everyone else close to him for their complicity, and then begin working their way down the list until all has been admitted and repaid back to the American people. At the same time those members of the press who are proven to have been involved need to be fired and imprisoned for their individual parts.
The smell from this will undoubtedly carry into many other False Flag events that have been carried out by those criminal leaders who have sworn to represent the American people, and if not directly involved they have at least turned a blind eye to it, which is as bad as participating in it.
What America needs is to publicly air this mess as they take down these criminals and restore its Constitution. Everyone knows where this starts so how about standing up for your country and taking the country back!! Two wrongs don’t make a right, and two lies don’t make a truth!! Silverngold