Peter Schiff on why they will not raise interest rates but continue to print. Looks like the narrator is leading into buying. Other than phyz exchange I agree with Armstrong timing is important. Timing is in fact more important than price as you could lose all or have no cash when a real rally is in play.
Question here is will they print or raise interest rates going forward. “Not sure ” but seems Armstrong is saying they are going to raise interest rates and Peter is saying they will print. Armstrong did say in PA Debt crisis when they start rising interest rates they will start rising fast. That was back in 13 when someone said he’s going to wait till think it was 29 to buy property based on something Armstrong said before what I don’t know. Armstrongs response was to buy now because of interest rates will be up by then. Anyways Peter still thinking for now anyways they will print. With other countries moving to the dollar out of theirs in Euro Yin Ruble and maybe yuan going forward will they try to deflate further or inflate? Seems to me raising interest rates would rise with inflation but who knows anymore.