We all feel you pain but still doesn’t answer the question be wrong or right moves. We are not living in a fair country anymore where they only seem to act on their own self interest not ours. Who they throw under the bus won’t be for the good of the country but what’s in their best interest even if wrong. Just like what’s happening in Russia right now as people have bills to pay and now soup kitchens popping up. Is the US and allies behind it yes and could they have addressed the situation more respectfully yes but it always results on either side the self interest of the gov. Just like the Fed getting audited, I think it’s just noise and will only believe it if I see it because I don’t think congress wants us to know where all the money is going. Well see again see things traced back to self interest, expansion of gov. and nepotism. I don’t even believe we would get true results but at same time if a kid opens a lemonaid stand they will get harassed and contracting money everywhere that would otherwise be circulated in their own self interest even though it’s bad for the economy.
As far as interest rates in housing they already went up since 13 and now housing turning down a bit.