of the 1000bps “flash-melt-up” in the $ after the last FED meeting when Yellen again confirmed QE forever…
I was out earlier and see the “algo-drip” is trying to reverse the recovery in G&S–this coming crash is gonna be a doozy-I got my cyanide capsule ready if things get too hairy–sheeeeet-! I done had a good life…no need to suffer…
BLACKROCK=STOCKS REAL P/E IS 140 [as per Zero Hedge]
If one were looking for more evidence that stocks are in a bubble, BlackRock released research suggesting that corporate earnings would be 86% lower if it weren’t for absurd accounting practices/ make believe.
In this scenario, stocks are sporting a real P/E of over 140. So much for all of the talk of stocks being cheap or undervalued. If you want to look at REAL earnings, or the REAL state of the economy, this bubble might actually be even more overvalued than the Tech Bubble.
It’s not hard to believe. If you consider that each successive economic recovery since the Tech Bubble has been weaker and weaker, there is no question that the market move post-2009 has been truly absurd.