OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Mr.Copper @ 21:41 on January 7, 2015  

Re all the masses of illegal immigrants. That’s all the MORE reasons to manufacture everything here. We need all those menial labor intensive jobs that are in China India Vietnam Hong Kong Taiwan etc etc.

Strong dollar bad. If $1 buys 10 Pesos, (strong) immigrants can’t resist coming here. $10/hr gleans them 100 Pesos/hr. A FORTUNE in Mexico. That’s why they send money home. To Mexico. $1 goes very far in a lot of places.

If it was reversed, and $10 US bought only ONE Peso? Mexicans and some Americans might migrate to Mexico, work for 5 pesos/hr and turn it into $50/hr to send back home to the US.

Note, if a Japanese car quality is twice as good as an American made car, it should cost twice as much. But strong dollar exchange rates make them too cheap.

Note. Before WW II $1 (1 loaf of bread) was equal 1 Yen (1 loaf of bread). After the war, TPTB made $1 Dollar (1 loaf of bread) equal 360 Yen (360 loafs of bread) to rebuild the Japanese Economy with US consumer dollars.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.