of Coarse Auto sales rose for a period .People were driving 10 year old cars and had no choice but to go into debt to get one .! That was not a sign of an economy rising ! In this country you must have a car just to buy groceries .Our Stupid spin Doctor administration spins that as a good sign of improving economy !.It is not..they are simply making more debt available ….debt ,debt,debt ..Maybe they can spin themselves out of office !
Jobs would be a better solution,but with such a anti business,HIGH TAX Policy of all Democrats its not going to happin.
What they should do is BITE the BULLET and CUT ALL TAXES ,remove Government regulations and get out of the WAY !
Success will feed on itself and multiply revenue ..it cannot happin with Government spending ,its got to be private spending …They simply refuse to admit that and employment numbers as a % of population will not grow without it.Government hiring does nothing for the economy since Government employees are a LIABILITY …they consume and pay NO TAXES to the real economy .They cant be tax payers when you also give them the money to pay the taxes DUH !