And I have no idea if this is right but i hope so==
Wash. Examiner Duped By “Global Cooling” “Scam Artist” — Even After We Warned Them
August 6, 2013 1:39 PM EDT
Casey’s self-published book Cold SunThe Washington Examiner is promoting a press release from a man predicting “global cooling” who even a climate “skeptic” has called a “scam artist.”
The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard writes that the “war between former Vice President Al Gore and his critics over global warming is about to hit the boiling point” with a “new claim” from John Casey that “global cooling” is coming. Who is John Casey? The Examiner says that Media Matters called Casey a scam artist “[b]ecause his predictions go against the mainstream.” In fact, in 2010 Media Matters quoted blogger Tom Nelson — who calls climate change a “hoax” — warning that he thinks Casey is “a scam artist” trying to trick the “skeptic community” into bankrolling him.
Casey created the “Space and Science Research Corporation” (SSRC), which boasts that “it has a dedicated list of ‘Supporting Researchers’ who have committed their name and assistance to the mission of the SSRC.” Four of these seven researchers are also listed as experts on Casey’s other website, the “International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center,” perhaps because they make no claim of expertise in climate change, instead stating that they study earthquakes and volcanoes.
Casey also has no background in climate science, possessing only an undergraduate degree in physics and math and a master’s in management. Since we pointed that out in 2010, Casey has pumped up his biography, adding that he is “one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts,” even though he does not appear to have ever published a single peer-reviewed paper on the subject.
Instead he wrote a self-published book on climate change “put together” with the help of an astrologer-cum-thoroughbred horse-racing advocate who claims to be the illegitimate daughter of Ernest Hemingway. He claims his book, Cold Sun, is “internationally acclaimed,” citing one of his own volcano-specialist “Supporting Researchers” and an anonymous review. In it, Casey predicts that there will be “catastrophic shortages in the world’s food supplies” from “global cooling,” and that the first indicators of this will “be felt at any time and certainly by December 2012” (2012 was actually one of the 10 warmest years on record globally and the warmest year on record in the U.S.). Despite his claims of international prominence, neither Skeptical Science nor DeSmogBlog — which maintain extensive records on the industry of faux-experts sowing doubt on climate change — have ever written a single word about him
Here They Go Again—-Subprime Delinquencies Rising In Autoland
by David Stockman • January 11, 2015
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Yesterday’s WSJ article on rising auto loan delinquencies had a familiar ring. It focused on sub-prime borrowers who were missing payments within a few months of the vehicle purchase. Needless to say, that’s exactly the manner in which early signs of the subprime mortgage crisis appeared in late 2006 and early 2007.More than 8.4% of borrowers with weak credit scores who took out loans in the first quarter of 2014 had missed payments by November, according to the Moody’s analysis of Equifax credit-reporting data. That was the highest level since 2008, when early delinquencies for subprime borrowers rose above 9%.
To be sure, subprime auto will never have the sweeping impact that came from the mortgage crisis. The entire auto loan market is less than $1 trillion compared to a mortgage market of more than $10 trillion at the time of the crisis.
First off, lots of gold references, yeah!
2. the 11.5 and 11.3 arrows (with gold shafts) beside the sand (desert). Dates, alpha numeric, etc.
-gold standard conversion around 11.4?
-nuclear exchange, east gets 11.3, responds 11.5 to the west?
-Alice is standing between the arrows and I think an Easter egg. Ukrainian? Humpty Dumpty? The East side is shaded green, the west cold white.
Oh the possibilities!