OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Ororeef @ 15:12 on January 11, 2015  

will be the Last Country to experiment with Communism …even the Powerful economy of the Greatest Nation cannot exist with it.!

Its failed everywhere !….Its time we BURIED it !     Obama is the Last failure of Communism,even with the US powerful economy and high taxes cannot cannot sustain a philophsy that rewards redistribution ,takes from producers and gives to the idle.

It failed everywhere ..its time to bury it….Oil Fracking was the straw that broke its back ….Communism  soaked up oil revenue and aided by high oil prices which were A TAX  on Producers  and gave away money to CUBA ,the MID EAST crazies even oil rich Venezuela collapses without the HIGH TAX  paid by CONSUMER  WESTERN NATIONS   that HIGH price OIL created and  supported  all these Communists ..

Russia cannot Fund its MID EAST mis adventures without HIGH oil Prices   !

Its all NOW been exposed !    The HIGH TAX on Producers by HiGH Prices  is a FRAUD on Freedom lovers  of the World.

Low OIL prices exposed them all and the Fraud  ! WE need cheap ENERGY  and plenty of it !   Other forms of Cheap Energy are also welcome !

The energy TAX has been exposed for the Fraud it caused and  all the Mid EAST  crazies that exist because of it !

CUT their money off and they will go back to being Camel Jockies instead of Funding sucide Bombers.

US oil independence BUSTED them and their HIGH TAXES that they redistributed to the crazies ….!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.