I’m quite impressed with your do it yourself store in your yard and how your constantly improving it. Guess it’s starts where you put more money into it than you get out of it that discourages people but it didn’t discourage you and it’s growing perhaps into a self sustaining garden. I thought of that many moons ago visiting Indian reservations with friends. Instead of eating all that dough although they could make good dough products out if it they have land grow corn vegetables potatoes et all use it.
Like Scruffy mentions diets and things like diabetes were occurring. As generations evolve from common foods that were once ” no other choice from gov doles farming them into reservations no longer free to hunt or gather fruits of earth became a way of life and affecting their health and Heath care was failing them or could not undo the damage of that diet. It’s not bread alone but how much compared to other things as man can’t live by bread alone. I don’t think the Gov wanted them to live long then anyways. Now it’s happening to everyone as prices for eating healthy are too high and beside work are not getting enough exercise and if you don’t use those calories they’ll store in your body. Now with instant everything with women working they used to burn calories cooking then cleaning with now with instant foods dishwashers less to clean up esp at night before bed even less calories being used.