On January 14, 2015 Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian state energy giant Gazprom to cut supplies to Europe through Ukraine by 60 percent, plunging Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Croatia and Turkey into an energy crisis as a dispute with Ukraine escalated.
The astrology of Russia’s transits suggest that any country poking the Bear would be an act of suicide.
Uranus is transiting the 9th house of shipping and international events square its natal position in the 5th house of hazards, signifying intense and rapid changes. The planet represents rebellion against established standards that demand the country experience their own individuality by asserting it against someone else’s. This energy will also manifest itself with and against allies and public enemies, as Uranus rules the Aquarius 7th house.
On January 16th transiting Mars in Russia’s 7th house will oppose natal Moon in the 1st house and sextile natal Sun in the 5th house = stormy relationships with other countries that had better beware as the Mars/Sun energy causes Russia to feel rather energetic – more so than usual – and will not only stand up if confronted but will refuse to back down. Pray that the marching morons in D.C. will lay low during this time, especially because Mars rules the Aries 9th house of international events.
Transiting Pluto conjoins natal Uranus in the 5th house, the combination of planets signifying a desire of the country to break away from circumstances that hold them back. The patience of Russia at this time is non-existent; they are ready, willing and able to make whatever changes it may take to get things the way they want.
Saturn transiting the 4th house square natal 1st house Moon is a position of pitting the country’s personal needs against their responsibilities to others; with Saturn being the heavier planetary body, the result may very well cause Russia to distance themselves emotionally from other countries.
When someone beats a rug, the blows are not against the rug, but against the dust in it.
– Rumi –