Putting these two events together, the oil shutoff and monetary shock together, I view several very obvious conclusions. Russia is “courting” Europe and “helping them” decide to abandon the U.S. and to do business eastward. The Swiss I believe are trying to insulate themselves from a breakup of the Eurozone. Standing WAY back and viewing not only the forest but all of the “forests”, this is the very public beginnings of a global reset. No matter what you want to think, the Swiss have just “reset” their entire system and currency versus the euro and thus the entire world! Yes I know, this is just one country. I am trying to tell you this may only be one country but it is the beginning reset for all countries, assets, economies and financial systems!
Before finishing, it is also important to see the reaction in the gold market.
Gold has exploded $30+ higher in reaction. Gold clearly sees the Swiss action as a monetary warning sign of what is to come. What is coming is a global reset brought on by a currency and credit crisis. Gold is money. Gold is the ULTIMATE money! The Swiss franc has been seen as a “safe haven” currency. They are now “taking” more interest than they were when they first went negative. The Swiss franc is also greatly supported…by a currency which was devalued by 15% (30% at one point) overnight …which shrinks their reserve base by more than a whopping 10%! Will the world look to currencies like the Swissie or will it look to gold as a safe place to avoid the crisis and the looming reset(s)?
I think this question can be answered with another set of questions. Can the Swiss franc actually “default”? Can an ounce of gold default? Do global currencies depend on economies which may (most likely are) be leveraged too far? Switching gears with these questions, how would the Chinese answer these questions? This may be the most important question of all because the old saying “he who has the gold …makes the rules”. We know for a fact the Chinese “have the gold”. We highly suspect (via common sense evidence) that the U.S. and the West in general has offloaded much of their gold. Could China force a global reset into gold at much higher prices?
Folks, this is truly it! The Swiss have fired the opening “re set” volley! The leverage employed all throughout the West will force “sales”, and will force “purchases” of various markets, currencies, commodities, credits and “money”. Close your eyes to this at your own peril, time is now very short to secure your chair in this global game of musical chairs! A global reset has begun!
Regards, Bill Holter, Miles Franklin Associate write