So let the price discovery begin. The global petroleum complex is already there. So is iron ore, copper and the most of the central bank bloated world of industrial commodities. The EM currencies are not far behind. Nor is the $9 trillion of vastly over-valued off-shore debt that was denominated in dollars and sold to yield hungry speculators.
Take a trip to Istanbul. Ask how the skyline of construction cranes will find the dollars to pay off the debt they have poured into still empty towers.
For that matter, can the Japanese monetary madhouse be far behind? Have not even the Shanghai market punters figured out that China’s $26 trillion tower of debt is already swaying precariously in the global financial winds?
Yes, the Swiss National Bank did ring the bell. Slowly at first, and then with a rush, the casino players will learn that the central banks have been lying all along. Then the lost art of “price discovery” will have its way.