I noticed you said your brand of Cordyceps was paired with FERMENTED Ginsing .From my experience the “Fermented ” is most important in making anything available to be digestable.I suffered for years from Kidney stones (Gout Stones) and couldent find a Dr to help.Stones all day everyday very painful .I finally in despiration decided I was going to find the cause myself.I researched for weeks on the net and finally while on a swiss site I realized I had a calcium problem ..I didnt digest or break it down properly leaving me with PARTALLY digested calcium in the form of stones with very sharp edges.VIOLA ! A LIGHT came on.ENZYMES !!!!!!!!!!!Its like making cheese ! from idgestable milk (for me ) I was unable to digest milk properly all my life ! Lactose ! MY cure was ENZYMES and FERMENTED FOODS .I am stone free NOW! However some kidney damage was done from the sharp stones. Un digested calcium iin the stomach ended up in the Kidneys! I identified one or two enzymes I lacked from the swiss site #21 and one other,but couldent find how I would get it ! I used the shotgun approach of multi ENZYME and probiotics and it worked.! My current theory on a cure for Glocoma (prompted by recent eye surgery) stimulated me to research again.is In order to reduce the pressure in the eye which causes the Glaucoma the fluid needsto come out slowly.
The ageing process hardens the scelera and closes normal drains and then causes dry eye and pressure to build up .So my theory is an eye drop consisting of an ENZYME that will allow the liquid to pass through and cure both problems. Im not a Dr but I think my process is correct pending the discovery of the right enzyme ! THINK ENZYMES and FERMENTED FOOD! Avoid preservatives it kills enzymes and that includes wine & beer !