Venezuela’s Largest Pharmacy Chain Execs Jailed For “Provoking The People With Economic War”
Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 02/02/2015 20:40 -0500
Because admitting that the Venezuelan utopia is failing due to the policies of Hugo Chavez’ “socialist revolution” would leave the thread by which Venezuelan socialism hangs ready to snap, President Maduro has shifted the blame for hyperinflating-price-based staples shortages and food lines from a cut in oil revenues to the dastardly capitalists. As The BBC reports, Maduro ordered the arrest of executives of one of the country’s largest pharmacy chains for allegedly creating shortages of everything from diapers to heart medicine. A triumphant information minister proclaimed, “we came, we normalized sales, we summoned the owners, we arrested them and they’re prisoners for having provoked the people with economic war.”