Does that mean they can impose a Federal Tax on the INternet just like telephone (public utility) with line fees usage fees etc….
Thats why I bought an OOMA phone 3 years ago for 175.00 and have not paid a telephone bill greater than 10.00 per month since ! and that was because I chose to have a second number and satalite phone ! Very happy with OOMA ….best deal ever ! Prior to that taxes and fees line charges were 26.00 per month and that was before any charges for long distance ….Without the second line and phone my bill was ZERO I was among the first to get it.THere was no monthly bill for original buyers ! If they impose a tax Im back to where I started and OOMA is out of business ..!!! Service was Great ! THe only problem is ..if internet is down ,so is telephone …It included 911 service free !