Tks very much, but I am middle/south about 85 miles/140 Km, NNW of London.
So another time maybe….would have liked to meet up.
Skol !!!!
Tks very much, but I am middle/south about 85 miles/140 Km, NNW of London.
So another time maybe….would have liked to meet up.
Skol !!!!
I´m off to Scotland sometime close to Easter.
Are you situated in the north… could be nice to have a proper pint with you. If time and location is manageble (spelling?). Or actually… a proper malt!!
This makes me so mad in so many ways, we have no armed forces to speak of, as this vile UK gu’mint has decimated them, while spending over 12 billion pounds pa on overseas aid….for fucks sake.
We have no fight with Putin, Obummer, the EU and we started it……only ystdy that poor Jordanian pilot was burnt to death……haven’t we got enough problems with extreme Islam, than to be takeing on Vlad….we truly are run by epicly stupid morons………
and the S&P is now up 35 pts from o/n lo’s………no wonder good people howl at the moon !!!!!!!!
We really need to get above it all…
Gold Train above the clouds! Gold Hill, Nevada
just think if the desperate ones didn’t do that. but these are normal market forces at work I swear
Surely even the braindead, can see the Scum at work in all mkts tdy. The S&P is 30 pts above o/n lo’s and 10 above last nights blatant 5 pt ramp job……if this was real/normal, it would be the action of a rampant bull mkt driven by a booming economy and riseing rates !!!!!!!!
Reading the letters to the editor, I cannot believe the commitment to the pro vaccine agenda. I readily admit that I could be wrong and am willing to be convinced by reason. However, I still await any rebuttals.
I have been taking this cordyceps supplement for about a week now:
I usually bring a 20 oz hot coffee to work in the morning as I settle in. Morning vitamins and supplements, and a bite to eat. This morning I finally noticed… several hours into my morning, I had what felt like a coffee-buzz, with less than half my coffee consumed! Now I have been a caffeine hog for decades and am virtually immune to the stuff…. I haven’t felt a morning rush like this in a loooong time. I think I could do without the coffee now. I could not finish my cup this morning.
EEOS… I think you could easily eliminate the coffee with this stuff!
Another factor… I began taking VINPOCETINE also in the mornings.
The Vinpocetine increases blood flow and oxygenation to the brain also, synergistically with what cordyceps does for the rest of the body. This is the strongest wake-me-up I have felt in years.
Those of us, like me, who don’t believe in vaccines, will readily accept the rights of those who are for them to have vaccinations. However those who are for vaccinations, want to force everyone to have them. You can not reason with the left, its their way or the highway. They say that if we don”t vaccinate, we will spread disease. What!!! I thought that vaccinations protected you from disease. Sorry but i will not let anyone inject mercury, fetal tissue or monkey virus into me over my dead body. I have never had a needle in 25 years and never felt better.
I could be snug & warm in the bunker… but somebody’s
gata run this railroad! Has the snow stopped yet?
All good points and I know what you say is true….but I am looking forward to the day when the world goes back to a days work for a days pay. After all, there really ain’t no free lunch!! Half of America is feeding the other half and the other half have to do what?? Right!! Nothing!! Sorry to say America is beyond saving, and you can thank your bought and paid for leader(s) who were voted in by all those freeloaders and illegals. What gets me is we, the older generation, are being blamed for the shape the country is in, but at least we did a days work for a days pay. we didn’t sit on our ass and expect a free ride through life. We paid for what we got but I doubt we will ever collect all the retirement we also paid for, because all these freeloaders are eating it up as we speak. IMO!! Silverngold