First of all, anybody that likes and owns or works on guns is a “gunman”. The dirt bag media should say different things like…
Seven people were shot, five of them fatally after a some ‘NUT job whacko’ opened fire in the street. or..
Seven people were shot, five of them fatally after a ‘prescription teen age drug addict’ opened fire in the street. or..
Seven people were shot, five of them fatally after a ‘illegal immigrant gang member’ opened fire in the street. or..
Seven people were shot, five of them fatally after a ‘disgruntled employee’ opened fire in the street.
Why give these dirt bag dim wit dirt bag mental case idiots a nice name to be proud of like GUNMAN??
These scumbags might act differently if they knew that after they kill everybody and themselves, the MEDIA would call them all kinds names. Refer to them and their MOTHER in derogatory words, even if NOT true. To avoid copy cat killers ….
“The nut jobs MOTHER must have been a real loser to raise a piece of crap like that”. Sometimes the communist media says….”Oh he had a troubled childhood.” Or..”The a spoiled brat had a drug addict prostitute mother.