Thought No. 1:
You become what you think about most of the time. Today, you in physical form and experience are the result of the thoughts you have had prior to today. So, guard your thoughts!
Thought No. 2:
Love is a wondrous resource. It is amazing how often you can solve your relationship problems by thinking about loving the other person. In January, I attended a wedding and the celebrant quoted Shakespeare’s thought that loving another person means desiring the best for that other person. This is just one example of love in action, but it’s a great one.
Thought No. 3:
You are either growing or dying: there is no standing still. How can you possibly thrive in a changing world if you are not hungry to learn and grow and improve? You must invest time, energy and money in developing yourself. We recommend that you invest at least 10% of your income (in gold…pfff eeos). You are your greatest asset.
Thought No. 4:
The world is rushing at us, at ever increasing speed. The information flow is growing. Inboxes are filling up. The best way to handle this is to simplify your life. Choose voluntary simplicity. Choose to say ‘no’ sometimes, more often than you presently do.
Thought No. 5:
Your physical, mental and spiritual health are precious resources. Treat them as such. Do not sacrifice your health for an illusion of security. Your greatest security is your ability to add value, and the healthier you are, the greater is your ability to add value.
Thought No. 6:
Politicians are having a tough time. If a Government makes 100 decisions, and most people agree with 90 of them, then there will be 10 decisions that are opposed by various groups. If these groups then use massive social media to publicise their dissatisfaction, the perception is generated that the Government is clearly incompetent because various groups are protesting loudly. Do your own thinking. Refuse to be swayed by the thinking of the mob. Observe what you are thinking. Raise your consciousness so you are thinking in ways that are useful and powerful for you.
Thought No. 7:
Living without passion is a difficult and unfulfilling way to live! Don’t do this! You are meant to be pursuing your passion, doing what it is that you uniquely see needs to be done. You do not need permission to live such a life, other than permission from yourself. The benefits to you are wondrous when you live such a life: