Scott Walker’s got what it takes to take on elitest Harvard eggheads and thug Unions .. I like guys like Marko Rubio and Dr Ben Carson buttt these guys are toooo
nice and in my opinion couldent deal with the THUGS and LIARS that compose the Dem Party ..We need a street fighter with the stamina that got Walker where he is ..Especially since he got where he is without a college degree which means he’s a fresh face that hasent been corrupted by the Marxist College profgessors ..
Its just my opinion of coarse ,but I been around long enough to recognise someone with the stamina to prevail …..I had a similar experience my Dad who got into College but had to leave during the depression for lack of funds fought his way up in the Garment business in NYC ,Nj area and went on to manage 650 women factory very successfully while fighting corrupt unions of the 30’s and forty’s era when they were at their peak and had Communist support . I know what it takes ..His boss at the time a Russian Jewish immigrent selected Dad because he was very capable and very tough guy even over his own son to manage the Factory …I grew up in that enviornment and know what it takes,Walker seems to have the ability and the sence of balance and fairness while being firm in conviction ….I think he’s got the right stuff …an intellect with a bull dog disposition and thats why the Dems are afraid of him . It gonna take more then intellect and a good disposition to deal with thugs and weasels ..THe next political battle is going to be a dirty fight. I would love to be in that fight as I been there done that and know how to deal with it ,but age has precluded that. Just as an example my cousin worked for Dad one time and finally said to him” Uncle Phil I love you ,but your a SOB to work for ! Dad took no prisoners not even me ,it didnt matter if you were family or not ! I delt with him and sometimes even exceeded his performance ,so I been there done that ! I think I recognize the right guy for the job……