WASHINGTON – President Obama defended his administration’s approach to the terror threat at a White House summit Wednesday, standing by claims that groups like the Islamic State do not represent Islam — as well as assertions that job creation could help combat extremism.
Obama, addressing the Washington audience on the second day of the summit, said the international community needs to address “grievances” that terrorists exploit, including economic and political issues.
He stressed that poverty alone doesn’t cause terrorism, but “resentments fester” and extremism grows when millions of people are impoverished.
“We do have to address the grievances that terrorists exploit including economic grievances,” he said.
Oh really?
So let me see if I get this right — someone not having a job compels them to cut off heads? Why no, I don’t think so, since I’ve yet to see any of these allegedly-hungry people eat the resulting corpse!
There’s no single religion responsible for this violence and terrorism? Really? Please list the religions of the people who committed the last, oh, two dozen head-sawing-offs. I think you’ll find that all of them share one common claimed religion.
For that matter, so will you find that to be true of the 9/11 bombers, the USS Cole bombers, the “fine” folks who committed terrorism all over Europe of late and similar.
Further, if this is all (or even largely) “economic” at its root would you mind explaining how being an officer in the US Military is not a “good job”? Or have you forgotten Mr. Hasan, otherwise known as Mr. “Allah Akhbar”, that committed Islamic terrorism, killing 13 and wounding 32 while employed by the US Military on a US Military base?
As for the “notion” that Muslims don’t actually support this please show me the widespread, loud denunciation of these acts and the willingness to find and capture or kill the Muslims doing these things among Muslims.
Good luck with that.
President Jihad needs to be impeached, here and now. This sort of crap is dangerous and is going to get a very large number of Americans killed, on our soil, if it continues. Refusing to call this what it is and deal with it has already resulted in American deaths on American soil at Ft. Hood and, before that, on 9/11. There is no excuse of political correctness when you are under armed assault and we in America, along with the rest of the world that does not accede to living under crackpotted Sharia goat****er mandates, is in fact under armed assault.