Horrifying photos of vaccine damage: Medical mutilation via immunization
Many of these images are provided by the CDC itself! Although they will retract this page as soon as they can, this CDC web page depicts vaccine-damaged children.
Thus, when the CDC says vaccines are “safe and effective,” they’re knowingly lying! Proof of their big lie is published right on their own website.
A two-year-old boy devastated by a small pox vaccine. As reported by Reuters:
A two-year-old boy who developed a serious reaction to his father’s smallpox vaccination has recovered but disease detectives found infectious virus all over his house, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday. A photo of the boy’s stomach is seen in a handout photo from the University of Chicago’s Comer Children’s Hospital.
A severe adverse reaction to a hepatitis vaccination:
A horrifying reaction to the BCG vaccine:
Severe skin reactions following vaccination:
Facial contortions and distortions following DTP vaccine:
Another innocent victim of vaccine damage:
Neurologically damaged by the DPT vaccine:
A smallpox vaccine reaction that has nearly destroyed this person’s arm and shoulder:
Another severe skin reaction following vaccination:
Extreme tissue damage caused by vaccines:
The HPV vaccine turned this normal, healthy girl into a brain-damaged victim of vaccines:
THESE PHOTOS ARE ONLY A SMALL PORTION of all those showing vaccine-damaged children. CDC officials, media newscasters and U.S. lawmakers claim all these photos do not exist, that these children were never harmed, and that vaccines cannot cause such damage at all.
They are liars. Worse than liars, they are medical mutilators of innocent children who continue to be severely damaged by toxic vaccines every single day, all around the world.