Allowing the US to push NATO right up to Russias borders with missels was a mistake and they know it .Half of Ukraine people are historically Russian and SPEAK RUSSIAN .What did that BRZEZinski think he was doing (Obama CHIEF Foreign Policy Advisor)..He’s still fighting WW2 and wants revenge for something Russia DIDN’t DO !
Putin has been remarkaby business like .British are ok to tell Russia you had good reason to do what you did ,but don’t go any farther with territotial encursions .WE need to support British with that ! Obamas foreign policy advisor made a terrible mistake (as usual) that could have encouraged Russia to take advantage of its LOCAL Power.and endanger the whole European continent …So far ,its far enough ! Obamas Stupid Foreign Policy risks another European War,it would be his FAULT. GET RID of BZRZEZINSKI ! Hopefully Putin will restrain himeslf and look for more European trade agreements instead of Political bullshit.
Europe needs to reign in Obamas stupidity …