OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Pretty sure someone beat me to this a few days ago…however it might be an Oasis classic, especially if BG has anything to say ’bout it.

Posted by macroman3 @ 3:18 on February 24, 2015  

Gata like the gold hues…

P.S. joe12pk, I have done this with bylaw enforcement over 6 adults talking past 11 pm in a lake environment…

Posted by macroman3 @ 2:53 on February 24, 2015  

Sound travels too well. Long story short, after declining to give the bylaw officer my name, 3 cop cars showed up even as we were going to bed, just to get my name.

Could have been my dissertation on brown shirts but I decided my best fallback position was to avoid the taser.


joe12pack, that was great for Libertarians. The only problem is the Conservatives supposedly want secure borders.

Posted by macroman3 @ 2:44 on February 24, 2015  

I love how you Yanks can enforce your rights, good onya.

Ya just can’t complain in the next breath about illegal aliens taking your jobs and not paying tax or Obamacare because the border is porous.

Ya Ya, I know it’s not the actual border, where this should be iron clad (or walled).

Go ahead, tear a strip off a socialist Canuck….

“No Thanks” Best DHS Checkpoint Refusals EVER!

Posted by joe12pack @ 1:46 on February 24, 2015  


Well this is rich…maybe time for GSA to probe with a 27 pound bar up a banker’s hooha

Posted by macroman3 @ 1:34 on February 24, 2015  

scruffy gata flashlight?


SnG, ipso, not a fan of Webster Tarpley but I think his theory has parts of merit…

Posted by macroman3 @ 0:20 on February 24, 2015  

I see ISIS as the genisis of the Unholy Trinity (Israel, Saudi, US) to supplant Assad in Syria to gain pipeline access to Europe and lessen Russia’s energy monopoly.

ISIS did the FF gas attack that went sideways (as well as their ISIS concept) for the “West”. Since that didn’t go as planned, a second front to divert Russia was opened in Ukraine, with another FF MH17 shoot down to entrap Russia.

Israel gains by tying into said pipeline with their offshore assets and gets rid of the Shia (Hezbollah) threat in Lebanon, Syria and Iran. They relish Islam fighting against each other. Israel saw how well Catholics and Protestants blew each other up in Ireland.

Saudi (Sunni) gains financially along with Qatar and Bahrain as well as quashing their other arch enemies of Shia belief. They also want to rid their largest petro competitor, Russia through Chechyen proxies…a la 1998 oil crash to kill the ruble.

US, until recent shale oil bonanza, wanted cheap oil (in petrodollar reserve currency)  to fund globalization and the MIC. The MIC doesn’t care if oil is cheap or expensive, they just want everyone to spend money killing each other. Oh and they are now the Israeli/Saudi pitbull bitch.

And China just Sun Tzu it all.

Confucius say it comes down to Frenemies

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.