DATA: MARCH 5, 2015 @ 1:08 P.M. – Washington, D.C.
The Virgo Full Moon falls into the 3rd house of communications and transportation…expect difficulties in these areas. Understand that events often occur within a week prior to Full Moon. With 29 degrees of Leo on the 3rd house cusp, we are in a critical situation with respect to both communication (Net Neutrality as of Feb. 26th) and transportation (food supply undeliverable?) A Virgo Lunation entails settling working conditions through unions and their grievance committees. As the Full Moon reconciles the Pluto/ASC opposition, more energy – therefore – focus, will be on 3rd house issues.
On a personal level, pay attention to your health and to those who are dependent upon you as well as your pets. Make sure your vehicle is in tip-top condition. Avoid hyper-critical and faultfinding people.
Fiery Mars in the 10th house conjoined Uranus is an explosive combination that symbolizes rebellion coupled with rash actions and surprising behavior…and speaks of he who would be emperor…and the fact that the aspect is exact just a few days before the Ides of March and 6th house Pluto is square…gives me hope that our military – ex or otherwise – will show an inclination to live up to their sworn allegiance to defend the Constitution.
Pluto in 6th (military) square Mars in 10th (pres) indicates a period of intense power struggles between the two factions…that could very well end with a violent attack. In any contest between Pluto and another planet, it is Pluto who trumps.