OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

It’s on account of the improving economy …

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:05 on February 26, 2015  

The Most Important Commodity For Housing Is Screaming “Recession”

Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 02/25/2015 16:53 -0500

While Crude Oil and Dr. Copper are often cited as economic indicators, as we noted previously, in fact Lumber prices are the most correlated with ISM and GDP of all industrial commodities (h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer). That is a problem. Lumber prices are tumbling – breaking to 18-month lows today. We have seen this picture before, and it did not end well…


and there she goes

Posted by Buygold @ 10:03 on February 26, 2015  

All gains wiped out in the first half hour, from 1221 to 1207 on it’s way back to 1200

At least it makes some sense with the USD stronger

The nightmare continues.

The Buying of a President

Posted by Ororeef @ 10:02 on February 26, 2015  

The Liberals  Financed ,& spent hundreds of millions to create the Manchurian Candadate and used their Network of Media influence to promote and Polish his image .They took an empty Suit and made him a President .Spent millions of Corporate capital ..gave him the best Chiefs of Staff they could find ….but something went HORRIBLY WRONG ..His Handlers lost control ! He got rid of his handlers and replaced them from his OWN TRIBE …Now he thinks he KNOWS how to THINK  …WE have a FRANKINPRESIDENT ….No more Rahm,No more Debbie WASSERMEN,no more instructions from BEBE ….He’s gone ROGUE !    HEHE  …  ITS ALIVE !! ITS ALIVE !!!  Where will this end ! THE FRANKINPRESIDENT thinks he can do FOREIGN POLICY  ..but alas we can always let POOTIE fix that problem …..but..but..who will save America !    ISIS  to the RESCUE   FRANKINPRES will invite them here for a NEGOTIATION  ….THAT’ll show them Rebublicans  he’s SCHMATTT  ,,,just like Freddo ….

(If they don’t Barbacue him first)…That’ll be the end of that Fantasy !

New Info We All Need To Know

Posted by silverngold @ 9:46 on February 26, 2015  

How Glyphosate (aka Round-up) is destroying your health…

Hey Silverngold,

Glyphosate in our foods is hurting us and our health in many
different ways.

One of the main ways is in regards to our gut and metabolism.


If you’re concerned about your waistline, you are going to find this
VERY disturbing.

A flood of recent research has unearthed a metabolism-killing
substance that you are unknowingly consuming EVERY day.

It causes a metabolic disruption that rapidly puts your body into fat
storing mode, making it nearly impossible to burn existing fat AND
forcing you to gain even more fat.

And it’s not just making you fat.  It also triggers a firestorm of
destructive inflammation that can wreak havoc on your overall

Worse, even eating organic or going vegan doesn’t prevent
exposure to this fat-making metabolic killer.

But researchers have unearthed a few natural, metabolism-
enhancing substances that CAN counteract its effects and help you
burn fat more effectively.  I’ll tell you about them in a moment. But

The New Metabolic Killer EVERYONE Should Avoid…

Glyphosate, better known by its commercial name, Roundup, is the
devious culprit I’m talking about.

This herbicide, introduced in 1975, was originally sprayed only on
weeds to kill them.  It wasn’t sprayed on the crops themselves
because it would kill those crops too.  It is so deadly that it kills near

That is until the food chemists started tinkering with the DNA of
crops to genetically modify them to become glyphosate-resistant —
like corn and soy (GMOs). Today, nearly 90% of our crops are
sprayed with this metabolism-killing nightmare!

Worse, you can’t wash this gunk off — it gets deep inside those
plants… and then deep inside YOU when you eat them… or when
you eat anything that’s eaten them, like beef, chicken and pork.
(But don’t worry — the solution is coming up…)

How This Fat-Storing Culprit Destroys Your Metabolism…

Most of the metabolic damage caused by glyphosate can be linked
to how it messes with the GOOD bugs in your gut.

The makers of glyphosate assure us that it’s perfectly safe for
humans.  That’s because it attacks a particular biochemical
pathway found only in non-human organisms that helps them
create amino acids (protein) to live on.

The problem is, while we humans don’t have this pathway, there
are critical fat burning organisms in our gut that DO!  And we rely
on these organisms to produce critical amino acids for US to live
on among other things. AND to burn fat!

Worse, as these good organisms get killed off, you become more
susceptible nasty bugs you DON’T want in your gut — like
salmonella and E. Coli.

But that’s only scratching the surface of how this metabolic killer
makes you fat. Because it also…

  1. Triggers Inflammation – Bad bugs in your gut spew out
    harmful toxins, like formaldehyde, that can cause
    inflammation, which forces your hormones to go into fat
    storage mode in defense.
  2. Forces Fat Storage – The good organisms that glyphosate
    kills off also help us utilize insulin more effectively. And the
    less fat-storing insulin we need, the thinner we become..
  3. Slows Metabolism – These beneficial organisms help
    extract crucial metabolism-enhancing nutrients from the food
    we eat.  Without enough of those nutrients, our metabolism
  4. Increases Hunger – Without sufficient amino acids created
    by these organisms, we get deficient in the “feel good” brain
    chemical serotonin, which leads to increased appetite and

How to Defeat This Metabolic Killer...

The bad news is that you cannot avoid eating glyphosate-
containing foods — even if you eat organic.

That’s because the glyphosate sprayed on GMO crops eventually
seeps into the soil and then into the lakes, rivers and other
supplies of water… the SAME supplies used for your drinking water
and to irrigate organic produce.

So you can eat organic, go strictly vegan and wash your
vegetables thoroughly, but NOTHING is going to completely get rid
of glyphosate — and it’s been proven to impact us even in tiny

The situation is not hopeless though.  That’s because recent
research has shown that Mother Nature has supplied us with 7
metabolism-enhancing compounds that can come to our defense.

At the right potency and in the right forms, these can be used to
safely stimulate fat burning while simultaneously limiting fat storage
and controlling appetite.

To learn more, go here:


These metabolic-enhancers are particularly helpful for those over
40 who’ve suffered years of metabolic damage and have tried time
after to time to lose weight, only to see little to no success.

To your health,

PS — The connection between glyphosate and fat gain is REAL.  A
recent study showed that the explosion in obesity AND type 2
diabetes have been moving in lock-step with the increase in
glyphosate use.  This threat isn’t going away ANYTIME soon, so I
strongly suggest you take pre-emptive action to protect, repair and
rebuild your metabolism’s ability to burn fat with these natural


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:45 on February 26, 2015  

So … how’s your day going?

Married TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2969992/Married-TV-actor-wakes-testicles-STOLEN-drugged-Russian-bar-attractive-blonde-working-organ-traffickers.html#ixzz3SrX4wMoa

China submarines outnumber U.S. fleet: U.S. admiral

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:38 on February 26, 2015  

(Reuters) – China is building some “fairly amazing submarines” and now has more diesel- and nuclear-powered vessels than the United States, a top U.S. Navy admiral told U.S. lawmakers on Wednesday, although he said their quality was inferior.

Vice Admiral Joseph Mulloy, deputy chief of naval operations for capabilities and resources, told the House Armed Services Committee’s seapower subcommittee that China was also expanding the geographic areas of operation for its submarines, and their length of deployment.

more http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/25/us-usa-china-submarines-idUSKBN0LT2NE20150225


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:29 on February 26, 2015  

At least Kunstler puts a happy face on it. 😉

Lets have a Grand Opening !AU &AG

Posted by Ororeef @ 9:24 on February 26, 2015  

Good morning Oasis

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:20 on February 26, 2015  

Endeavour Mining files Early Warning Report related to shareholding in Legend Gold


Cangold to Be Acquired by Great Panther Silver


From Otto … whotta rip!

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:12 on February 26, 2015  

Great Panther (GPL) (GPR.to) to buy Cangold (CLD.v): Err, call me stupid but…

…I’m sure there are laws against this kind of thing.

1) Great Panther is a CAD$0.75 stock.

2) Cangold (CLD.v) is a 5c stock. Not only that but it’s currently at its lowest price ever.

3) That makes 1 GPR share worth 15 CLD shares, if my pocket calculator is working correctly today.

4) According to the terms of this deal, GPR issues one new share for every 20 CLD shares.

5) And here’s the rub: These companies have three directors in common (yup, three; count ’em up girls and boys)

It’s tough to pick out the highlight of this NR, but I’m going to go for this phrase…

“The Letter Agreement and the Loan were reviewed and approved by special committees consisting of independent directors of both Great Panther and Cangold.”

….due to the sheer brass neck of it. Independent? Fucking liars. One of the central tenets of public companies is the fiduciary duty that a board of directors must have towards its shareholders. But Kaare Foy, Robert Archer and their cronies are too busy trying to stuff their own pockets to give a rat’s ass about the minor details of things like morals or rules.


and despite the rotten eco news….perfectly managed.

Posted by Buygold @ 9:11 on February 26, 2015  

24 hr gold chart

Capital Goods Shipments Tumble, 6th Miss In A Row

Despite proclamations that “the shadow of crisis has passed,” November durable goods orders were weak, December durable goods orders were weaker, and while January’s noisy headline Durable Goods Orders beat expectations (+2.8% vs +1.6% exp), ex-Transportation it missed  (printing +0.3% vs +0.5% exp.). A quick glance at YoY core capex and it is clear that the crisis has anything but passed. Capital Goods shipments fell a greater than expected 0.3% (against expectations of a 0.2% rise) for the sixth miss in a row and 3rd drop in the last 4 months.


Tyler Durden's picture

US Posts First Negative Inflation Print Since Lehman On Gas Price Plunge

As previewed earlier today, January CPI data was historic in that, 6 years after Lehman, the US just reported its first negative headline CPI print, with overall inflation, or rather deflation, in January coming at -0.1%, in line with expectations, and down from the 0.8% in December. On a monthly basis, CPI tumbled by 0.7% from December, driven almost entirely by collapsing energy prices. Excluding the Great financial crisis, one has to go back a few years to find the last time the US posted annual headline deflation…. all the way back to August 1955, or just about the time Marty McFly was trying not to dance with his mother.

Initial Jobless Claims Surge Most Since 2013

After last week’s holiday-shortened exuberance over initial jobless claims, this week’s slam back to reality is quite a shock to the “everything is awesome” crowd. Initial jobless claims jumped 31,000 to 313,000 – the biggest percentage rise since December 2013. Continuing claims dropped modestly but remain up around 3.5% over the last quarter – near the worst since 2009.

From Don Wolanchuks’ forum–don writes:

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:50 on February 26, 2015  

a classic archive of a huge wall of worry … scroll down and see it all from an over-edjamakated maroon


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 8:39 on February 26, 2015  


Rio Grande Zephyr in the snow at
Castle Gate, Utah


The so-called real economy is a New Age serfdom of burger fryers and janitors, indentured to that entropic sink. Below them is a widening slough of methedrine, child abuse, and tattoo art on its way to becoming Soylent Green. To put it bluntly, the dollar is entropy’s algo bitch.

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:26 on February 26, 2015  

From Kunstler’s 2015 outlook


The dollar these days represents two kinds of capital. The first is the stuff that the US has built and invested in since, say, the end of World War Two: awasteland of aging and decrepitating suburban sprawl, that is, the infrastructure of a living arrangement with no future, the greatest entropic sink in human history. It extends to whole cities and their subsystems, e.g. the hell-hole of Las Vegas with Hoover dam and the dwindling reservoir of Lake Mead. Before mid-century, Las Vegas will be as desolate as Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Try to imagine the money that went into building all that stupid shit in the desert. In another decade, across America, the housing subdivisions and commercial highway strips filled with tilt-up box stores, muffler shops and burger dispensaries will retain less value than the pyramids of Palenque had for the Mayans after their society rolled over and died. The so-called real economy is a New Age serfdom of burger fryers and janitors, indentured to that entropic sink. Below them is a widening slough of methedrine, child abuse, and tattoo art on its way to becoming Soylent Green. To put it bluntly, the dollar is entropy’s algo bitch.

The second kind of capital the dollar represents is the imaginary value based on sheer lying, making shit up, and borrowing from a future that has no chance of being paid back. This is the capital ginned up on “American exceptionalism” and “energy independence,” fairy tale memes functioning as collateral for the aforementioned malinvestments that add up to “The American way of life.” This capital has no substance, since it is just made up of intellectual and emotional dishonesty. This is the kind of constructed narrative that addicts and other functional cripples resort to to justify their behavior, and the fragility of it will sooner or later lead to the well-known condition of “hitting bottom.” That is the event horizon where the remnants of America enter what I call the World Made By Hand. It will be the greatest socio-economic shift since the fall of Rome, only much swifter.

Since scruffy hates krapko (otherwise known as $hitco)- the 2 percent rule in effect on Silver

Posted by eeos @ 8:09 on February 26, 2015  

2 percent rule in effect

I’ll bring it to attention again

Posted by eeos @ 7:46 on February 26, 2015  

the big boys trading Gold are only interested in forcing Gold to trade based off of fibonacci support levels right now. You can see the $1,2000 level is being tested and they’re faking people out.

Gold fibs

Coffee’s on

Posted by MadMike @ 5:02 on February 26, 2015  

Special cup for silverngold.


SnG, appreciate the candor, and no, one size doesn’t fit all.

Posted by macroman3 @ 1:19 on February 26, 2015  

Too many peeps get a raw deal and some of the sinners are way past their best before date.

Really tho, I wish to scrutinize the 14.8 mil cancer deaths over 45 years…seems low.

Population outpaces people dieing, I have no idear how cause all I read about is death and destruction.

macroman3 @ 22:15 Yes, ranched for about 25 years

Posted by silverngold @ 0:22 on February 26, 2015  

Mostly grass fed beef and all before the days of GMO’s, growth hormones, etc. Also milked three cows most of the time and sold raw milk and never had enough. I’d turn my cows out with their newborn calves in the spring and they’d come home in the fall all fat and sassy with 500-700 lb grass/milk fed calves. If I wintered any calves I would give them the best hay along with oats or barley we grew on the ranch.

Like you, I enjoy my meat and constantly monitor my health. Lots of greens too, organic home grown most of the time. Had high blood pressure all my life (140/95 average until almost a year ago. Added Chia and Omega 3 from fish oil to my diet and today my blood pressure was 120 over 76 when I checked. That’s good enough proof for me that I’m doing the right things in my diet. LOL!!! I believe we are all different and there is no such thing as “one size fits all” for humans. If what you are doing is working for you, don’t fix it. LOL!!! …………….Silverngold

Been lacking on artistic discovery lately but SnG got me thinking about T-Bones…

Posted by macroman3 @ 23:06 on February 25, 2015  

SnG, did I see that right 14.8 million people have died from cancer since 1971?

Posted by macroman3 @ 22:15 on February 25, 2015  

Shades of global warming science? We all have to die from something, is cancer not God’s will (especially for the non believers)? I hazard a guess that a similar large number have been killed on the road.

Oh and if that T-bone (with a nice Cab) is what is gunna do me in, so be it. Weren’t you a rancher?

Time for winedoc to chime in….

Optional video behind Joe 12 Pack’s Net Neutrality video

Posted by silverngold @ 21:23 on February 25, 2015  

That Net Neutrality video  is being forced onto the world TOMORROW so you’re about out of time to fight the Govt’s criminal intent to control the Net.

This one I’m posting is about cancer which has only gotten worse in the last almost 100 years, even though supposedly the medical industry offers no approved choice but radiation and chemo, two choices that kill many more than they cure. This is a criminal  disgrace IMO when there are so many cancer cures being made illegal whenever they surface.

If you have not watched this one, please do. It’s worth your life!!  Silverngold

Canadian PM With his Buddy Gates

Posted by Auandag @ 21:15 on February 25, 2015  

PM funds inoculation abroad, chides Canadians who balk at vaccines at home

  • Print
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Bill Gates smile as they are introduced during a moderated discussion in Ottawa, Wednesday February 25, 2015. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Nice visual presentation on silver….

Posted by old-timer @ 20:51 on February 25, 2015  

From ZeroHedge, here is a link to a pretty cool graphic and write-up on the sources of silver:



Posted by Maya @ 20:27 on February 25, 2015  

Wow!  Saguaro cactus, desert waterfalls, river canyons…   I agree… just freakin’ gorgeous!  And best of all, they’re not frozen!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.