World Headed for a Meat Grinder-Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter On March 4, 2015
Rob Kirby gives what he calls “proprietary macroeconomic research” to people around the world with billions of dollars to manage. What are his connected sources telling him? Kirby says, “People whose opinions I respect the most tell me that the world is headed for a meat grinder, and that is putting very bluntly. This does not make me happy to say this, but we are headed for some very, very difficult times. The people that are in charge of and are maintaining the status quo of dishonest commerce in our world today are extremely committed to the program. I have referenced them before; they are the globalists. These people have contempt for humanity. These people, as a group, believe the world’s population needs to be reduced from its current roughly 7 billion to around 500 million people. They refer to that as a sustainable model for the earth going forward. I don’t share that view . . . but this is the path they have decided to take us down.”
On the wars and rumors of wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, Kirby says, “The whole talk about Israel and Iran is a side show. What is going on in Ukraine, I view to be another side show. . . . The underlying root problem is that our financial system is failing, and history tells us when the financial system tanks, governments take us to war. That’s why we are on a war footing, and that’s why we are hearing this rhetoric and inflamed talks about how we need war, and war is imminent and how war is going to be unavoidable. It’s an age old thing, when the financial system craps, the elites take us to war. End of story.”
It is looking like a much wider war breaks out this year. Kirby contends, “The reason for that is the financial system is showing signs of severe stress and severe weakness. The money printing around the world has accelerated and gone into a warp drive or warp speed of money and credit creation. We got the European Central bank talking about their own QE program. We’ve got Japan printing money like blazes. And listen, I think it was David Stockman that said there was over 2 trillion dollars of sovereign debt in the euro system trading at negative interest rates. This is not sustainable. This is why we have the burners turned up in the march to war. The system is showing severe signs of systemic stress. You can’t have 2 trillion dollars of sovereign trading at negative interest rates for a long time and have it be sustainable.”
Kirby goes on to say, “It all boils back to the money. And it all boils back to the notion we don’t have honest money because when you have honest money, these excesses don’t occur. Things cleanse themselves, and that is the virtue and the merit of the old relic, the gold standard, because it is honest commerce. When you have honest commerce, generally people are peaceful and get along with each other on a fair basis. Equal value for equal value for exchange of goods, not one country with the God given right to print money to buy the world’s output with freshly created out of thin air fiat money. It’s dishonest commerce. Dishonest commerce is at the root of all the problems we are facing in the world.”
So, what do we get first, war or collapse? Kirby predicts, “My gut tells me they are going to incite or create the basis for a war, and then, they will blame the crackup on the war. You look at the math that is involved with fiat money and compounding interest. The life cycle of that system shows that money is created in its early life that is slow and gradual upward to the right. At some point, it inflects and it grows vertically. We are on the vertical part of the curve now. Things that go straight up are not sustainable. . . . what we will experience at some point, and I believe this is a mathematical certainty. We will have a crackup–boom. There will be a hyperinflation, and that outcome is guaranteed. It’s a sealed fate.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby of