I was a Dunkin Donuts Franchisor for almost 25 years and I kept detail sales comparisons going back to 1969 ..I can tell you when Dunkins sales are hitting PEAKS (and I suspect Starbucks also but I cant verify) the Stock Markets are hitting BOTTOMS …My best sales increases were 1973-74 up 30% ,same percentage as Stocks declined and as Stock market started to recover sales leveled off or declined …Its a Contra Indicater records held true until I sold in 1993 from 1969 . If Coffee sales start to decline Market heads up.
The weather was a Factor as Current snow falls verify ,the worse the weather the better sales got (Dunkin & Starbucks) hitting records.When the Sun came out the customers disappeared. The record Coffee sales are signals of coming Market crash ..I cant verify because Im no longer in business since 1993 ,but I see no reason or indicaters that its not accurate still…If Market crashes ..goodbye Starbucks and Dunkin or whichever leads or lags first…
It was very good for ME because the Business gave me money to invest just as the Market was bottoming .I got back in the Market Jan 1975 I was flush with cash ….HEHE.The Charts on Dunkins sales were always opposit and mirror image of Stock Markets ..at least they were in my Store .
You could also look at it from a Commodity point of view ..Coffee and Donuts were a commodity ..coffee wheat sugar verses paper stocks and it makes sence from that view also. Some use the Stars and Planets others Charts and cycles ..they all work if you know your business…