Hello all. I still glean a lot of valuable information from this sight. It seems weird that farm boy does not contribute
any more. I do not contribute here much because I am such a pathetic writer. I still read Ben Fulford and we wonder
of his credibility but at least he is optimistic. I read Karen Hudes and of course Jim Willie, my favorite.
I dropped by to let you know that I am fully engaged in the new science of structured water. I have combined
two modalities for structuring water that doubles the alfalfa production and greatly improves production of any
irrigation farming. My website is www.livingwaterworks.com and we are just about finished with the marketing partners
program. I am not looking for business here but I am so very proud of what we have put together and the response from
so many friends, that I wished to share my work with the gold tent oasis(my silver and gold contacts). ps I have been
a subscriber of Bix Weir’s news letter for about 2 years. Lord I hope he is right about future events for silver. Just sayin!