Paper money was meant to be a medium of exchange …not a store of value ,its not designed for that …its paper ! The faster it exchanges the richer people feel …its an illusion of wealth ..when velocity drys up everyone feels poor even the Government ! They try to overcome that by raising taxes..of coarse its the worst possible time for the people, but Gubberment looks out for themselves not you ! They print more of it when it suits THEM for whatever reason. The Federal Reserve could have saved the Country when the velocity dried up if they PRINTED enough to replace the fall of credit and drop in velocity ..they did but it never got into circulation …they gave it to the BANKS who loaned it back to the Government !!! NOT into the peoples hands …..They took care of their friends first (Bank members).Thats why the Stock market booms while the economy sinks ,its all paper driven ,not economic activity .If Bernanke had dropped it from Helocopters it would have been better ..the people would have bought real items and boosted economic activity ,even if they used it to reduce debt that eventually frees up spending for the real economy.
Only dummies store paper .Tangable assets are a store of value mostly ,but not always..if you buy them in a bubble it could be a long wait to recover ! Real Estate ,Gold,commodities,FOOD,Bottled whiskey has always been a good store of value. Quality ART,if you have a lot to store ! An income stream like an annuitiy can be a store if bought prior to a recession ,but is bad if headed into inflation ! A house purchased BELOW your means can give you comfort and peace of mind if owned outright ! You cant put a price on that ! Stocks are ownership assets of a fluctuationg nature ..can become worthless or can multiply 10 fold ,they require lots of attention ,and good judgement . Income (JOBS)is the BASE that drives it all .
The worst thing government can do to you is give jobs away ,its worse than giving money away ,its worse than “foreign aid” its worse than than unrestrained immigration that only lowers wages .Giving manufacturing away will KILL this country forever ! High Tech will not save us as it always involves manufacturing of a sort eventually .
Politicians that exchange jobs for entry in another countrys Banking system are the worst thing any government can do to its people ..its TREASON ! Hanging is too lenient !