OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

News News

Posted by ipso facto @ 7:49 on March 12, 2015  

Tahoe Resources Reports Strong First Production Year


Gold Bullion enters into LOI with Takara Resources Inc. to spin out Castle Silver Mines Inc.


Lake Shore Gold Announces 29% Increase in Ore Reserves


SEMAFO Reports Net Income for the Year of $17.7 Million


An alternate theory of what causes heart attacks … from Dr. Mercola

Posted by ipso facto @ 7:37 on March 12, 2015  

Dr. Mercola’s website


Posted by ipso facto @ 7:35 on March 12, 2015  

Re: “US helping ISIS”

I’ve been thinking. How many deaths did the various US led Iraqi wars cause? Around 600k last I heard. How many Iraqi’s hate the US? Plenty! How many Iraqi’s would seize upon any opportunity to discredit the US? Plenty! In the absence of any real evidence supporting the words of those who hate us I’m going to remain a skeptic.


Coffee’s on

Posted by MadMike @ 5:00 on March 12, 2015  

roll up the rim

Through time how easily we forget

Posted by goldielocks @ 3:15 on March 12, 2015  

Fast forward

Posted by goldielocks @ 3:07 on March 12, 2015  

Macro you slacking, a back thre time

Posted by goldielocks @ 2:51 on March 12, 2015  



Posted by goldielocks @ 2:20 on March 12, 2015  

Then take the warnings seriously. When the tree blooms know the signs. No use someone else awake beating U to the punch then getting angry.

We’re learning these politicians don’t know what their doing and getting worse. We have to be aware of our surroundings and know fundamentals are only as good as confidence. Fundamentals can be great but if confidence isn’t there it means nothing. When a reset comes phyz will come in handy but as far as trading why beat a dead horse or why beat him in the first place. In other words it was the wrong thing to do and it ain’t working nor a solution.

goldie, 22:49, RIT partners managing 2.3 billion pounds… I have 3 neighbors within a mile that have that combined x 2.

Posted by macroman3 @ 0:46 on March 12, 2015  

I hope the billion was meant to be a trillion.

A billion ain’t what it use to be. And I live in a pumpkin patch (and a cardboard box)

edit, heck MadMike has that out his back door…

BG, ipso, Brez’s Grand Chessboard moves are pretty simple …

Posted by macroman3 @ 0:19 on March 12, 2015  

Squeeze Russia from the two fronts of Syria and Ukraine with a dab of economic syphillis.

It’s so easy, even a caveman can figger it out…good thing as it leaves us all living in caves.

I get dibs on BG’s Cave of Misery.


Posted by ipso facto @ 0:05 on March 12, 2015  

Thanks for the links. I’m still not seeing any evidence there. If the Iraqi’s are going to report it in their news then they have no reason not to parade those men captured in front of the world.

One article says: “Iraqi PM says he will release documents soon” We’ll see if this occurs.

It’s hard to see our motive in this if true. To cause chaos in the ME? Destabilize the whole area? That would be a very dangerous game and hard to conceal and likely to piss off damn near the whole world. I won’t totally discount this motive. Perhaps the PTB would like a wider war, I don’t know. From what’s happening in the Ukraine I would say I don’t trust our leaders to make the right decisions. It’s like children playing with firecrackers only now they have more dangerous toys.

I’m off for bed … thanks for screwing up my dreams

PS I think I need more evidence …


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.