I suspect they are finished stimulating (or giving inflation) to Europe and Japan’s et al economies now. The stimulation (higher dollar) started in June, and there is always a time lag, so foreign “numbers” should start getting better going forward.
Bad USA “numbers” finally showing up recently after 10 months of a punishing strong dollar hand out to foreign nations. Note, Janet Yelin said they KNOW the US economy has effects on foreign nations, and foreign economies have effects on the US economy. “We watch everything” she said.
Bottom line. The Federal Reserve is responsible for the entire global economy. And the global economy is NOTHING without a strong US economy. So the main Fed agenda imo since 2008 is to rebuild or restore the US middle class tax payer. Look for signs like higher Minimum wage laws etc.
There is no other solution. Fix USA first. What they did since June was they threw a strong dollar BONE to Europe and Japan et al and it OVER.