I seem to remember that after ww1 THAT GERMANY HAD TO PAY REPARATIONS that were impossible to pay because the opposition had carted off from Germany whole factorys and anything of value or income producing machinery that could be sold was takin from them .Reparations were no different than debt …..
So what did the Germans do in their desperation ..they printed money into hyper Inflation and were paying with Paper printed until it had NO value and it took a wheelbarrow of money to buy a pair of shoes ,some even burnt it for fuel to heat the house it was so cheap.THe end result was the German voters elected a Strong man who promised to restore German dignity.His name was Hitler and he did restore Germany and he did stop inflation….but,,,,
Germany forced Greece to go into debt DURING WW2 at the point of a Gun ….
Greeks are not so desperate yet ! but… they did elect a Communist ! So where will this lead ? Germany be carefull what you ask for …You might get it !
A unexpected Leader might emerge from Greece …
The Greeks do understand Finance ..Onassis,Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan),many billionaires and millionaires are Greek …..Push them too hard and they could finance a leader in Europe not to German liking or sign treaty’s with Pootie in exchange for a military base in Eastern Mediterranean …
They already signed deals with CHINA for Ports in Piraeus that could open a flood of Chinese imports into Germany’s manufacturing base….
Be carefill what you ask for Germany ! Germans have a fault of NOT knowing when to STOP …..Its not enough for them to defeat someone they want to Humiliate them.