you are corect,but dont expect logic to prevail.The founders knew what they were doing when the right to vote was given to those that were paying the bills mainly land owners in that agrarian society of 1776 .The poor make poor voters as they will always sell themselves back into slavery despite educating them they always choose short term relief rather than of long tern freedom .They enslave themselves ,so dont blame others for slavery …Slavery was outlawed for that reason and not because others wanted to enslave them..opposite of what the Socialsts held views are.Its a step away from sharecroppers ,very common at that time .Its the failure of democracy ,the voters can vote themselves the public treasury !.The founders didn’t give us a democracy ,but a Republic where direct vote wasent even possible with the transportation of the day .If the poor ran everything the Industrial Revolution would never have happened and we would be living like the Amish.
Why should we take advice from the poor when they cant even take care of themselves.! How stupid is that.? WE tried to solve that problem with Social Security that worked very well because it required people to work and FORCED them to contribute to their own retirement ,something they would never do because their immediate needs always took president over the long term .Now we are in the process of destroying that program because the POOR again are making policy and distributions from SS are not even requiring work to get “benefits” now.The only way to take care of the poor is to force them to work and to save .I believe forced PRIVATE annuitys save is a better way .Same forced SS idea except the Government dosent hold the money ,its individually OWNED but government mandated ..out of the reach of voters and politicians that are always looking to spend someone elses money.A whole life insurence policy could do this with a small life insurence feature and the rest a savings and annuity payout after age 65..The cash value would be inheritable after death.
Completely separated from welfare ,aid to dependent children ,food stamps and any other welfare schemes the public wants.A retirement program privately owned but mandated ..a floor under poverty for the poor funded by their own work.A separate program from MEDICARE which can have its own program funded the same way.Kept separate because of scheming politicians Doctors ,Drug companies and the like.It too should be private owned ,public mandated. The govie could still have any other welfare programs they want. Hands off retirement and medicare…the basic needs….Private ownership is the basic difference ..the poor will have ownership rights and not a “beneffit” which is subject to politicians extorting votes from them. The poor will then have “freedom” from political extortion like they are now. Its the politicians that create “slavery” in order to get a “benefit” .Ownership is better for the poor then they can vote how they want ,not subject to extortion of your vote for a “benefit”.
I would add that the insurance companies would be limited to a payout Ratio of 95 % that is to say ..MUST pay out 95% of all the money they take in to the owner.
Currently SS payout ratio is 98 % ..very efficient only 2 % kept for administration.. CONTRASTED to COMPANIES like Blue Cross keeping 30 % for “administration”..paying out only 70 %