when Virginia’s government was about the cleanest until they started electing modern day Democrats to Governorships and they brought their Whores and PIMPS from the big city with them .The old time democrats were conservative dixiecrats that dont get any respect anymore ,not politicall correct, the’re called racists now and not electable despite having provided some of the Best Government in the Country with Balanced budgets. The NEW Democrats have moved in with their Whores,Pimps ,bribery and selling access for campaign money.They have set out to modernize Virginia issue more DEBT ,sell more Bonds,its back into Slavery for the Poor.DC has had its influence ..Its one of the few things Jefferson was wrong about,He wanted the Capital close to Virginia where he could keep an eye on it !
He should have put it OUT of Sight ! On an Island without a bridge …
There was a time
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