No security Risk Here ! Hillary’s aid is a Muslim that lived in Saudi Arabia since she was Two. She is married to JEW Exhibitionist Weiner from NY involved in Sending pics of his Penis on the Web ..Top Secrets are safe here ! Yes Seree… move along nothing to worry about here ! Weiner wont be Blackmailed for telling secrets his wife talks to him about no sir eee everythings secure here ..White House secrets will be safe with Hillary…
Thats just about as Safe as Bill secrets were getting Blackmailed by his sexcapades with Jew Girl Monica ..The Israelis could have gotten anything out of Clinton holding that over his head…to avoid blackmail by the Israelis he had to spill all ..cum clean…they had his DNA on Monicas dress That the other Jew girl advised her not to Launder. YEAH no security RISKS with the Clintons not here move along…. nothing to see