History would seem to show that Zionists were involved in the murder of the Tsar and his family. IMO, there are many organizations that compose TPTB-Illumunati or whatever name you want to use for them. The way I understand it, there are circles within cirles much like was explained in The Creature from Jekyll Island. The circles get smaller and smaller as one goes up the “power scale” with one entity at the top. To me that is satan(I refuse to capitalize the word)- the Prince of this world but even satan will have to pay his dues eventually for the Lord God Almighty will destroy him and his minions. People and other “fallen angels” alike. One World Rule is coming and the Anti-Christ is already amongst us. The destruction of this planet is inevitable. No one can foretell when these events will occur but the time draws near. Trying to blame somebody or something is useless in my estimation “as the die is cast”. What we do about it depends on your level of “Faith” or the lack thereof. (I am not speaking to you directly Buygold.) To win the whole world but to lose eternity with God is the ultimate tragedy. Our “paths” are determined by we ourselves. We come into this world naked and with nothing and so shall we leave it. Where we go after that depends on one’s point of view. For me there is only one path to God and that is through Jesus Christ.
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