The communist led blacks threw Hillary under the bus before and they’ll do it again simply because she is white .
Thats her weakness along with her willingness to sell out other whites for money.Bill & Hillary accepted communist money while in college now they want payback….Bill even accepted money from KGB to study in Russia.Masters of Deceit !
and the worse offender is Oprah who made her career on womens issues and the communists made her a billionaire then wanted payback as soon as a black candadate was annointed and Oprah threw Hillary under the BUS for a black candadate…They used her for being white to get Feminists votes now they are done with her .She sold out whites now she cant complain when they sell her out ! They are done using her and her white sympathizers that were willing to sell out other whites for money .She will get sold out from the communists deservidly so,,,, Masters of Deceit !
How vulnerable are the students today when student debt is so high ..The Chinese and Russians can offer money and training in return for a Furture payback …Communist deceit.