Re part:
“The Rosie the Riveter figure was a popular one in posters to encourage women to go to work to support the war effort and to sell war bonds. In post-war years, the images were used to promote women’s rights.”
Rockefeller, John I think, was quoted as saying, “We have 50% of the population, ( woman) not paying taxes”. He financed the Ms. Magazine, to help start the woman’s liberation movement. After 1975 we ended up with more workers and less work, suppressing wage values. So now it takes two paychecks to equal the value one old paycheck.
Now, the master planners have a bigger problem, because practically the entire 18 to 28 year old group are not paying taxes because the entry level wages are so low, they get the earned income tax credit. They absorb taxes now. From 1945 thru the ’60s, one minimum wage salary, right out of high school, was good enough to rent a one bedroom apartment, get married, have a baby, get a car loan, and buy a new car. Wives stayed home.
Young people SPEND money because they need everything. Older people don’t spend much because they already have most of their needs and wants. Minimum wage today to equal the good old days would require about $20/hr. That number would raise all other wages in scale.
The gov’t must now know what I knew because all you hear on the news lately is info about higher standard wages needed, capable of paying taxes. The whole country would be better off, and unprofitable or small margin businesses with $7 employees would close up, and NOT be competition for other businesses.
$7 employees are on food stamps, Medicaid, etc making taxpayers subsidize those weak businesses owners.
The Feminist Movement was a CIA project of social programming
The CIA and the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations funded Ms.
Magazine and Gloria Steinem and elements of the feminist movement
SIMSBURY, Conn., April 22 (UPI) — Mary Doyle Keefe, the woman who served as the model for Norman Rockwall’s “Rosie the Riveter” painting, died Tuesday in Connecticut. She was 92.
Contrary to the occupation of the iconic figure she portrayed, Keefe was not a riveter during World War II, she was a telephone operator.
She was 18 years old and living in Vermont when Rockwell paid her $10 to pose as the overall-clad figure, who sits eating her lunch with a riveting gun in her lap. The figure’s foot is resting on a beat-up copy of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
>>The Rosie the Riveter figure was a popular one in posters to encourage women to go to work to support the war effort and to sell war bonds. In post-war years, the images were used to promote women’s rights.<<
Rockwall's painting appeared on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post in 1943.
In an interview last year Keefe said she had no idea the painting would become so popular.
"No I didn't expect anything like this, but as the years went on, I realized that the painting was famous," she said.
The painting how hangs in the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Ark