Vaccines might obscure the visible symptoms of some diseases and allow doctors to conclude the shots are working, but a) the vaccines are actually increasing the toxic load on the body; b) the people who are vaccinated will inevitably break out with new symptoms; and c) the vaccines won’t cure the obvious reasons (listed above) for immune-system suppression.
You can’t substitute vaccines for the factors that actually strengthen immune systems. That’s a fairy tale. Dr. O’Sullivan is whistling in the dark. He needs to go back and rethink his entire education. It failed to provide him with basic facts.
The circumstances of life in which his patients find themselves are causing dire illness. There is no way around that. There is no mystery about that. There is no final medical solution for that.
The idea that doctors moving into areas where, for generations, people have lived on the margins – and making medicine substitute for the essentials of health – that notion is absurd.
“Here, son. You don’t have nutritious vegetables and protein to eat, but I’ll give you a shot in the arm.”
A fantasy. A myth.
As for people in New Zealand who do have the essentials of life – good clean food, clean water, a warm home, plus money – guess what? Unless they abuse themselves with junk food and drugs, unless they’re exposed to toxic factors in their environment (e.g., pesticides), they’re in the process of strengthening their immune systems.
They don’t need vaccines in order to ward off illness. When children get sick, they’ll undergo a full and acute inflammatory response, recover, and their immune systems will be stronger.
These matters aren’t hard to understand. They’re only made more complex by the medical system, which needs sickness to survive.
My vote for persons of year in New Zealand are all the people who understand these simplicities and are willing to stand up for them.
The attack dogs for the vaccine manufacturing complex are on the move, worldwide. They’re saying and doing whatever they can to keep populations hypnotized and walled off from the truth about vaccines. They’re trying to pass more stringent legislation eliminating vaccine exemptions. They’re aiming to coerce everyone and eliminate freedom and choice.
They’re saying, as Dr. O’Sullivan does: We’re doing this for your own good. You don’t see that, but it doesn’t matter. We do. And we’re going to take control.
Don’t let this happen. Don’t fall for it.