Mexico too, or some surgeons from Canada going on holidays to other countries, their waiting Canadian patients following them there, getting their operations for pretty big bucks, like one was $60,000 for knee replacement, then returning to Canada. That really sucks!! it’s normally not a shortage of Doctors to do these surgeries, it’s the Gov who is unwilling to allow the surgeries due to the gov cost. An MLA contacted me about an hour or so ago. Very nice guy but was defending the system based on what he had been told from the Ministry of Health. They are trying to balance the budget so we can suffer until they do. I told him it should be about health care, not about balancing their budget. If it costs more than they are charging then charge more and get things back into balance again. He kinda disputed what I am saying so we terminated the call but he did ask me to call him after I see the surgeon next week. He said he has been told anyone who needs immediate surgery will get it. My wife, an RN here, says that’s true if I fall down the stairs and break everything to hell. Then they will take me right in. Well, there’s gotta be another way and I’m going to keep yelling until they wake up and face the problem they have created for themselves and begin to straighten it out, or they can show me statistics where I am wrong in what I am saying. Name any field in the BC health care system and there is going to be a long wait to get help. I have developed a skin rash problem, probably due to the pain from the hip since I can never relax so my nerves are on edge day and night. Anyway, my GP, who is great, referred me to a specialist to get a puncture biopsy. I already got an appointment….but it’s in July, a three month wait to even get a consultation. Whatever, I’m handling that one ok myself and the rash is disappearing using natural remedies. I personally know of a case where a friends brother was vacationing in Japan, got sick so they treated him there, learned he had a serious cancer and sent him home for immediate treatment and surgery. He got put on a 3 month waiting list here and died before his surgery came up. This isn’t medicine, this is an outrage that needs lots of exposure and fresh air. I’ve got lots of other stories but you get the picture. They need their feet held to the fire to straighten it out, not let off the hook by going someplace else and paying out of my own pocket when I have paid into the plan now for the past 40 years. It’s the principle of the thing!! All the Best…..Silverngold
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