OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Moggy Get an OXYGEN Meter !

Posted by Ororeef @ 19:30 on May 7, 2015  

a few years ago I was feeling extremely weak,I went to the emergency room.The Dr examined me and said my oxygen level was 50 ,but I had NO fever ,so he sent me home..What an idiot ..I went to my gen practioner ,he said the same thing…another idiot…First think.. get yourself one of those finger thingies that you stick your finger in and it reads out your oxygen and pulse .I f your oxygen is less than 98 0r so and you are weak ..see a pulmonologist .After two weeks I lost 20 lbs and my son dragged me back to the Gen Practioner and then he got concerned when he saw I lost twenty lbs…Back to the Hospital and a pulmonoligest was called who couldent see anything on xray or cat scans but treated me for Pneumonia anyway …DUH ! No oxygen means either Lung or Heart needs to be checked    NO ?

He got it right ! and recovery was fast ,but not before the Hospital tried to kill me 3 times ,but that another story.Oxygen meters are cheap..about $30  …just stick your finger in and in seconds it checks your oxygen level ..tada  !  Walmart carrys them or go on Line as I did (DEVON Medical)Never been sick before  in 77 years until I took the GP advice and took a Pneumonia SHOT  …the next winter season I got Pneumonia  what idiots…..and so was I for taking their Pneumonia shot advice… …

I check OXYGEN once week ..its always 99 ..never below 98  thats normal for me ..If I find its less Im going to investigate !

Find whats normal for you and go from there..


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.