Anonymously from the Operation Jade Helm And Beyond inbox:
In Vallisca, Iowa the military has set up a base near an old chicken farm. People have said that the personnel in the base are armed to the teeth. I have heard helicopters fly over my home in Glenwood IA at midnight. They were spotted and there were several of them.
Also we go to kansas city 3x a month and almost every trip we spot military convoys north-bound on i-29. Thank u for keeping the public informed of these treasonous acts against American citizens!
heres more
I was at a car wash in Livingston, Tx when a loud pop was heard. I personally did not know what direction, but others said it came from the closed down WalMart. All electricity in the area went out for several hours. No one knows why.
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I am in Cranbrook British columbia and there have been semi’s carrying tanks and military vehicles.. So not the norm here also a very small town
Anonymously from the Operation Jade Helm And Beyond inbox:
I live in a small town in Utah, called Vernal. We’ve recently seen convoys, cargo planes, and helicopter formations which is COMPLETELY out of the norm here.. As I imagine it is in most places. We only have one Walmart here, but there hasn’t been anything out of the ordinary noticed with them quite yet. I came across an article with a video attached showing a map of the U.S. and a system of underground tunnels, coincidently with main entrances at each Walmart locations that have closed in Texas, with another showing in our exact area as well.