If the public refuses to keep SS funds solely for the use of those that paid in then all else is at risk also .
Communists hate private funding ,private use.Your private bank account ,your Savings account ,your PENSIONS,will all be at risk because someone “needs” your money .The Government can “print” the money needed for them and their welfare needs thats ok.
All “private” will be at risk from the Communists because thats who they are ….Politicians are basicly communists whose philosophy is receive according to “need”,”contribute according to “ability” ….
The real problem with that is who wants to do that ? Certainly not those that worked for it.
Every country that adopted that philosophy has failed because the producers stopped producing and left ,voted with their feet.resulting in no investment in their future ,capital left for better more friendly environment, leaving the country with no producers,no Capital, nothing but the “needy”. examples CUBA,Venezuela,bolivia ,communist Russia(they changed)communist China ditto only after they were left 100 years behind in development !
iF OUR COMMUNIST PRESIDENT IS NOT stopped we will end up the same.We must make an about face next election ,8 years of this is about all the country can endure without permanent damage.When capital leaves ..its all over !
It is leaving ! witness Major Corps refusing to bring Capital back home .Thats the beginning of the end…
Its already happening !
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