The Founders did not arise from the Poor,but from the Rich who sought to be protected from those demagogues that would confiscate their wealth .Putting the Poor in charge as this country has done is stupid as they can not even take care of themselves ,but squabble among themselves for crumbs.The Founders sought only to protect PRIVATE PROPERTY & Liberty .Thats why they gave us a Republic not a democracey .Hamilton wanted a MERITOCRACY .Thats what was the incentive for WORK and being able to keep the fruits of your own labor.WE have come full circle back to Demogogues running things squabbling over what they can steal from the productive ones .They are like FLEAS on a dog if not kept in control will kill the Host from disease and blood loss.DEMOCRACY is like voting among two wolves and 1 sheep about what to have for dinner…Hamilton was right and “THE BILL of RIGHTS ” was the solution.
NO votes wanted or needed there !
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