Ipso, about that bit gold thing
seems like an idea to trade paper for electronic digits. Governments around the world won’t allow this unless the end game is here. Cross border electronic gold payments? George Soros is involved? If it’s not in your hand, you don’t own it! Is this a back door gold confiscation ? Why not a silver fund?
the government may let Soros run it until they levie the fine of about 10% of what he steals. They have to tax it somewhere.
i think I trust the social security program more than George .
It’s what I’d be doing if I lived there!!
Wave of medical police state refugees to flee California if SB 277 becomes law
If SB 277 is signed into law, a wave of medical police state refugees will begin fleeing California to protect their children from medical tyranny. It will become the first time in America’s history that a human wave of refugees were forced to flee the kind of government totalitarianism that evokes memories of the Holocaust and those who fled for survival. This dark chapter in U.S. history is about to be unleashed by Gov. Jerry Brown, America’s first governor to legalize genocide against children: |
drb2 @ 20:56
Yeah I don’t like it much that Soros is involved either. “Writing on the wall” Very likely. He’s been good at making money.
Even if it is a wonderful company I think it’s still a secondary place to park your money.
Ispo RE: Bitgold
Thanks for that update on Bitgold.
I LOVE the idea of Bitgold.
I like hearing Sprott is involved.
But when I heard the name SOROS, my enthusiasm deflated like a balloon.
I don’t trust Soros at all.
I really, really hope I’m wrong. Could it be he sees the writing on the wall?
This sounds pretty good although it’s normal to be wary these days. Sprott’s involvement add lustre IMO
Bitgold (V.XAU) up another 40% after successful market debut
BitGold Inc. (TSX: V.XAU, Stock Forum), an internet platform for acquiring, holding, and making payments in gold, has soared in value since the stock began trading on the TSX Venture Exchange last week.
Listed at 90 cents on May 13, 2015, the stock built on its recent gains by gaining another 40% to trade a $5.79 on Tuesday, leaving BitGold with a market cap of $217.9 million, based on 36.6 million shares outstanding.
Backed by U.S. fund manager George Soros, Sprott Ltd. (TSX: T.SII, Stock Forum), and other financiers, BitGold is a Canadian company with officers in Toronto, and Milan, Italy.
It was founded by Roy Sebag, a 29 year-old former hedge fund manager, and Josh Crumb , who is 35 and has a background in mining. They came up with the idea after the 2008 financial crisis.
Bitgold operates a platform that enables users to purchase gold using various electronic payment methods. It also allows users to store gold and pay for goods and services around the world using gold as the currency.
Once fully operational, the platform is intended to provide various transactional capabilities, including instant cross-border payments, merchant invoicing and processing for gold, debit card spending of gold at traditional points of sale, conversions to a customer’s external digital wallet or bank, and physical gold redemptions.
The company said it plans to operate a network of ATMs, allowing users to open accounts or deposit local currency in exchange for vaulted gold, which will be accessible for digital transactions.
All of the physical gold acquired through the platform is owned by the customer, stored in vaults administered by The Brinks Company, acting through Brink’s Global Vault Services International Inc., which insures gold through third party insurance providers.
“It is a complicated (structure). But for users – and this is the main thing – it’s just Paypay with gold,’’ Crumb told The Financial Post newspaper. “It’s a nice clean interface.’’
Huh? Sounds like they came up with that one while plastered at the watering hole.
Scorpio Mining Corporation announces name change and results of shareholder meeting
TORONTO , May 20, 2015 /CNW/ – Scorpio Mining Corporation (SPM.TO)(SMNPF) (the “Company”) is pleased to report that shareholders voted in favour of all items of business at its annual and special meeting of shareholders held on May 19, 2015 (the “Meeting”) including an amendment to its articles to effect a name change to Americas Silver Corporation. The name change is designed to eliminate confusion and better align the Company’s name to its current identity as it focuses efforts on silver production in the Americas. The common shares of the Company will begin trading under the new name on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), upon acceptance by the TSX, which is expected within the next 3-5 business days. The Company will continue to trade under the symbol “SPM” on the TSX and “SMNPF” on the OTCQX until further notice. The Company’s website has changed from www.scorpiomining.com to www.americassilvercorp.com.
Anything positive in the near future for Asante and Coral Gold. Asante looked pretty good after they came back and now not so good.
Howdy frr
Yep I used to own PMI and that’s how I knew about the project. With Obotan and Kubi both and lots of prospective ground this could turn out to be a very big project. I’m looking forward to their first pour!
Since you know people involved don’t forget about us if some tasty tidbit of info comes up! 🙂
Cheers, ipso
Thanks Ipso – Asanke has taken over Obotan by virtue of
Its OZ Bankers and their cash clout, while PMI, the discoverer of its potential was squashed and then even a perversion of Arbitration was baited towards the Kubi Mine; The founder of PMI has meantime x-changed its NSR on Obotan to eventually own Kubi, a property Nevsun has already proven valid as an open pitable mine; Even at that stage commercial mining has proved more potential a bit lower and who ever knows what happens drilling directly south of Obuasi.
Used to be attached to PMI- Asanke was a Takeover Artist and I’m still loyal to the founder of PMI, Douglas McQuarry, who is probably the most advanced geologist and social connect to the Country I could dream of.
Personally, after years of helping finance some very important mining Projects, I was asked to come back on a personal Basis.
While Obotan is agreat Project – personally I’d expect ec even more upside on KUBI!
Cheers frr
I use DuckDuckGo as my search engine. Works just fine. They dump all info … daily? Couple of days?
Screw Google … might as well send all your searches direct to the NSA.
OK I acknowledge that the NSA probably knows all DuckDuckGo’s searches anyways … but why make it easy for them.
The Corbett Report and a little bit of hope!!
Who’s Afraid of the Internet? Elites panic as information control flounders
by James Corbett
May 20, 2015
Do you want the good news first or the bad news?
Alright, here’s the bad news: Google is about to start ranking sites according to their conformity with mainstream opinion. Or at least that’s what the headlines would have you believe.
The usual sources in the controlled corporate media are telling you that this is a good thing and that only “Anti-science advocates are freaking out about Google truth rankings,” but if that seems like a remarkably blase attitude to take when facing the prospect of a 1984-like reality where the modern-age Ministry of Truth (Google) is going to determine the “truth” of controversial subjects and rank search results accordingly, then keep in mind that such articles are written by the likes of Joanna Rothkopf, daughter of mini-Kissinger and author of “Superclass,” David Rothkopf.
New Scientist–the website that broke the story with their article “Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links“–also framed the story, predictably enough, as “science” versus “anti-science,” starting their article by lamenting the fact that “Anti-vaccination websites make the front page of Google, and fact-free ‘news’ stories spread like wildfire.” The article rejoices in the fact that the good chaps at Google have come up with a bulletproof answer to this mess: “rank websites according to their truthfulness.”
The slightly good news is that, ironically enough, the New Scientist article seems to be a perfect example of a fact-free story spreading around the internet like wildfire. While the story does link to a research paper from a Google research team that outlines a “novel multi-layer probabilistic model” for assigning a “trustworthiness score” to web pages, it neglects to mention that the idea is still very much a theoretical work-in-progress at the moment and is nowhere near ready to be launched. If you have a fetish for multivariate equations, dynamically selected granularity, and line graphs comparing calibration curves for various data analysis methods, have at it! For the rest of us who are not fluent in boffin-speak, the gist of it is this:
First, a page is harvested for its “knowledge triples.” These are connected triplets of information consisting of a subject, predicate and object. The paper itself helpfully provides the example: Obama – Nationality – USA. A “false value” (again according to the paper itself) would be Obama – Nationality – Kenya. These knowledge triples are assessed for their (Google-determined) accuracy and the page is assigned a KBT (Knowledge-Based Trust) score, which Google could use in place of (or perhaps in some combination with) the traditional PageRank score to determine how high in the search results the web page should place.
The paper uses a list of 15 gossip websites to demonstrate that using this method, sites with disputed and often incorrect information (gossip sites) might rank high in traditional search results, which are weighted toward popularity, but low in the KBT results. But even the paper itself admits there’s a long way to go before this KBT method would be usable by Google to rank billions of web pages.
This is good news for those alt media websites (and their readers) who realize that they are the ones directly in the crosshairs of this technology. Given that Google is nothing other than an American intelligence adjunct (and has been since its inception), would we expect anything resembling a fair assessment of the “truthfulness” surrounding the most politically controversial subjects of our time?
The Federal Reserve is a private cartel created by the banksters for the express purpose of manipulating the money supply and controlling the economy? CONSPIRACY THEORY! No Google for you!
Governments always and throughout history use false flag terrorism in order to justify their wars of aggression? SLANDER! Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the bottom of the search results!
Google and every other major Silicon Valley firmis in bed with the DOD and/or the CIA and/or the NSA? BLASPHEMY! You have been excommunicated from the church of Google.
You get the idea.
But here’s the really good news: even if Google does launch such a system, it is doomed to failure. The internet is one of the last, best bastions of the free market in action that we have in our stultified, regulated, controlled, manipulated economy. Google’s popularity did not come about because government goons pointed a gun at everyone’s head and forced them to use it. They didn’t even create a licensing system for operating search engines, a favorite government trick for keeping genuine competition out of the market. It became popular because it was a million times more useful than AskJeeves or Yahoo! or any of the other outdated, clunky, dysfunctional search “portals” that dominated the web in the late 1990s. Granted, the power of Google’s PageRank may have come directly from the NSA’s own engineers, as some have speculated, but the fact remains: people use it because they can find what they want quickly and easily with minimal fuss.
At that point at which Google stops being useful for its intended purpose (helping people to look for information), people will start to look for alternatives. And alternatives do exist.
Ixquick.com is a privacy-protecting search engine that returns results drawn from a wide range of other search engines.
DuckDuckGo is another popular alternative search engine focusing on privacy protection that uses a number of innovative tools to make searching quicker and easier.
SigTruth is an “Alternative Media Search Engine for Liberty Minded People” that uses Google’s own custom search abilities against itself by returning only alt media website results on various topics.
And even the news that Google might at some point start using its “truthiness” score to downgrade the alt media has spurred others in the alt media (like Mike Adams) to announce the creation of their own search engines.
This is how the free market of ideas is meant to work, and if and when Google starts returning sanitized propaganda, those who are uninterested in sanitized propaganda will vote with their feet (fingertips?).
But here’s the best news of all: what this urge to categorize sites by “truthfulness” (and all of the back-slapping, high-fiving articles about this news from the dying establishment mouthpiece media) really shows is just how desperate the would-be gatekeepers are becoming in their fight to put the alt media genie back in the bottle. And even better yet, this is by no means the first sign that the gatekeepers are losing their war to keep the people in the dark on the topics that matter.
In 2008, arch-globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski started lamenting how, for the first time in human history “all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive.” This, as he stressed in speeches and articles at the time, means that it is no longer possible to dominate people in the same ways that they have been dominated for centuries.
In 2011, Hillary Clinton admitted that the US was losing the information war to alternative media outlets of all stripes.
In 2013, PopularScience.com had to turn off comments on all of their articles because, they said, a “decades-long war on expertise has eroded the popular consensus on a wide variety of scientifically validated topics” like catastrophic man-made climate change.
And poll after poll after poll in year after year after year continues to chart the decline of the dinosaur print/radio/tv media and the rise of the internet as a source of daily news and information for the majority of the public.
Yes, there are dark skies and reasons to be concerned about what’s coming in the inevitable digital clampdown. But there are bright spots as well, and these deserve to be noted, highlighted and celebrated. After all, the people have had a taste for real information and now more people than ever before see through the increasingly clumsy propaganda of the establishment. And that makes the propaganda increasingly useless for setting the political agenda.
The internet revolution toothpaste is out of the tube, and it’s going to be one heck of a job getting it back in. And that’s good news.
Hooray ! everybody wins !! DOJ – “look what we did” we are tough on crime GOVT – ‘found’ money- oh boy BANKS – cost of doing biz EXECs – no jail; keep bonuses
The JOKES on YOU !
The Banks rob & Plunder …THe Gubberment says were in on this Racket too …we’ll just call it a “fine” and they will never be the wiser ..Give us our share of the loot !
WE couldent collect this much in taxes in this economy in a million years..so we decided we are going to let you “Bankers”loose so you can do it again and we can “catch”you again and collect some more “taxes”….I mean fines..psst dont tell anybody but the stupid public keeps electing us ….life is good….
I have a few of these AKG shares. Future’s looking bright for them.
Asanko Sees Mine Becoming One of Africa’s Largest Gold Operations
The one percenters are doing just great.
Ispo – RE: Banks Plead Guilty
Hooray ! everybody wins !!
DOJ – “look what we did” we are tough on crimeGOVT – ‘found’ money- oh boyBANKS – cost of doing bizEXECs – no jail; keep bonuses
What a jerk
Obama Uses Fake Dialect In Speech To Black Audience
Capo Famiglia takes their cut
5 Banks To Plead Guilty To Criminal Rigging Charges, Pay $5.6 Billion For Manipulating Markets
Silver Train
Looks like we have another incline to climb… again…
The “Empire Builder” climbs
over Marias Pass in Montana’s Big Sky Country.
Good morning Oasis
Lydian International Files Updated NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Amulsar Gold Project Showing Improved Project Economics With Revised Mine Plan
Rubicon Enrols in Long-Term Electricity Cost Savings Program
Integra Gold Discovers Multiple, Steeply Dipping Zones up to 300 Metres Below Resource Limit at Triangle With Results Including 19.30 g/t Gold Over 8.0 Metres and Reports Widest Intersection to Date With 10.73 g/t Gold Over 16.0 Metres
Europe to lead the charge on eliminating cash.
I hope the majority in Europe see this is not for the benefit of the majority of the workers but the minority of the takers. Seems better if they eliminated this minority for the greater good of the majority. This could cause deflation in US while causing inflation in Europe already affected by Russia sanctions thanks to O. Get ready for inflation Europe and probably negative interest in bank accounts once the eliminate cash and start dipping into your savings or even confiscating them.