To Da Sheol!
To Da Sheol!
the beatings will continue until morale improves!
Jim Rickards: China wants gold so it can share market-rigging power
Submitted by cpowell on 05:51AM ET Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:50a ET Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
In the latest edition of his newsletter, Strategic Intelligence, James G. Rickards elaborates on a point often made by your secretary/treasurer, as last week in an interview with Dave Kranzler and Rory Hall on their “Shadow of Truth” program:
That is, China is not acquiring gold because it wants to liberate the currency markets from rigging by Western central banks or because it wants to impose on itself the restraint of a gold standard but because it wants its own power to rig the currency markets.
Rickards writes: “China wants to do what the United States has done, which is to remain on a paper currency standard but make that currency important enough in world finance and trade to give China leverage over the behavior of other countries.
If Americans were patriotic, and refused to buy imports…It would not have been so easy for the govt to steal the USA domestic Industries and give them away as welfare, and profit, to China et al.
Big business (own our gov’t) Entitlement programs, bah, humbug! More and more welfare (and debt public and private) is the result of Americans buying IMPORTS.
And I know for a fact, everybody reading this post has a Toyota or Honda, and a true global minded focused business mans sucker.
India moves closer to tapping 20,000-ton gold hoard
India will allow citizens to deposit gold with banks to earn interest as the world’s second-biggest consumer seeks to cut reliance on imports by tapping idle bullion lying with households.
Individuals and institutions can deposit a minimum of 30 grams in the form of bullion or jewelry under a so-called gold monetization scheme, according to a draft document released by the government on Tuesday. The banks can set the interest rate on the deposits and the metal mobilized may be loaned to jewelers, the government said.
Success in drawing out a part of the more than 20,000 metric tons of gold lying with households and institutions like temples may help India lower dependence on imports and ease pressure on the current-account deficit. While the plan proposes to ensure steady supply of bullion to jewelers, banks may benefit from a new business in a country where gold is bought during festivals and marriages as part of the bridal trousseau or given as a gifts in the form of ornaments.
“A lot of households have scrap and broken jewelry with them and the new scheme should help them to deposit their stocks with the banks and get easy money,” Prithviraj Kothari, vice president of the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd., said by phone from Mumbai. “The interest rates offered should be more than 3 percent to make Indians part with their gold.”
If i would of saw that one, I would have never posted the first video. That guy is friggin nuts. The pope runs the world. yea Sure!!
Sunday’s confrontation in Waco also appears to have started as a result of a dispute involving the Bandidos, one of the world’s largest motorcycle clubs, with as many as 2,500 members in 14 countries, and one that’s engaged in distribution of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, according to the Justice Department. One of their mottoes: “We’re the people your parents warned you about.”
Very simple. IMPORTS. Before IMPORTED STUFF, kids fresh out of high school, after starting any type of new job, earned enough to get a 3 room apartment, buy a new GTO, 442, Camaro or Mustang, with $300 down and a 3 year loan.
Today, they stay with parents, they can at most lease a new cheap car for $199/mo but limited to 10,000 miles. A loan?? Try 5 year loan and maybe $5000 down.
Lupaka Gold Begins Underground Mining at Invicta for Initial Toll Mill Test Campaign
True Gold Resumes Construction at Karma
Entree Gold Welcomes Agreement to Advance Oyu Tolgoi Underground Development
Great Panther Silver Signs Option Agreement to Acquire Coricancha Au-Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu Mine in Peru
“Everything you read on the internet is true.” – Abraham Lincoln
If you believe that HELM stands for Homeland Eradication of Local Militants, then Joint Acquisition Disarmament Exercise fits much better for JADE. Further, look at Public Law 87-297, dated Sept. 26, 1961, aka the Arms Control and Disarmament Act, enacted by Congress.
If JADE HELM is ultimately about gun confiscation, then it would fit that the word DISARMAMENT is in both the operation’s name and this Act.
DEA Strikes Again: Seize Man’s Life Savings Under Civil Asset Forfeiture Without Charges
My understanding on Social Security is/was that you and your employer both paid into your Social Security. It required a minimum of 40 quarters (10 years) contributions in order to draw any benefits when you reach retirement age, but you earned the right to Social Security benefits when you retire. A major flaw of the program is that the gov cheats on the annual inflation rate adjustments making it more difficult every year to live on your Social Security.
Unemployment Ins worked similarly. Both employee and employer paid into UI so in the event you became unemployed and were unable to find employment within a reasonable amount of time UI would kick in to keep you going for certain limits as long as you were actively looking for employment. Again, this was a program that was paid for by both employee and employer and should not be considered welfare since you earned the right to draw it when needed.
Welfare or foodstamps?? What ever happened to “a days work for a days pay“?? As others have stated, there are generations of people who have never worked a day in their life. They simply hold out their hand and a benevolent gov fills it with money. No need to stand in line for it. No need to get out of bed to get it. I guess they do have to still go shopping for their groceries but I would bet a lot of them opt for home delivery and still don’t have to even get dressed to receive it. Now as I understand it they all have a card that will cover their food needs so even those in front and behind them in the checkout line have no idea they are receiving welfare or foodstamps. Do these people deserve to be treated the same as those who get up every day, go to work, earn their wages, scrimp and save to make ends meet???? or do they deserve to be shamed just a little so they have some incentive to get off their asses and off of welfare and off of foodstamps and do something for what they get????????
What ever happened to a days work for a days pay??? Yeah, I’m repeating myself….but nobody…..NOBODY, deserves a free ride through life. No matter what the circumstances almost everyone in this world is capable of doing something. Even if it is menial. I recall in the Army when there was slack time one GI would fill a wheel barrow with shit, another would haul it across the compound and dump it in a pile. Then another GI would load it back onto the wheel barrow and another would haul it back again. Was it productive?? Hell no!! But the point was everybody did something for what they got….and if you didn’t like it you could use your own ingenuity to get assigned to something else like guard duty or KP or driver training or whatever to improve your status. Well, the same idea needs to be used for this world of freeloaders. A days work for a days pay. No work, no pay, no food….your choice. You don’t like it, do something about it or starve. Your choice!! but no more free ride!!
Once in my youth I was fired from a job due to a back injury suffered on the job, but I had not worked long enough to be in the union so was let go. I applied for UI, drew it for 2 weeks but had to submit so much paperwork as to all the places I had applied for work and why I had not been able to find work that I never went back for another UI check. That is the only time in my working life that I ever used the system, even though I qualified to use it many times over the years. Personal pride always prohibited me from using it.
The same thing has to happen to all these welfare people who have never done anything for what they are getting. A days work for a days pay or starve. It’s up to you!! And no, I’m not talking about that disabled person who can contribute nothing toward his/her sustenance. But it’s time to get the other 99.999999999% of the bums off the dole and make them do a days work for a days pay………. Rant over………………Silverngold
Glad to hear it! At least there’s some integrity left. It’s not all smoke and mirrors. 🙂
If the public refuses to keep SS funds solely for the use of those that paid in then all else is at risk also .
Communists hate private funding ,private use.Your private bank account ,your Savings account ,your PENSIONS,will all be at risk because someone “needs” your money .The Government can “print” the money needed for them and their welfare needs thats ok.
All “private” will be at risk from the Communists because thats who they are ….Politicians are basicly communists whose philosophy is receive according to “need”,”contribute according to “ability” ….
The real problem with that is who wants to do that ? Certainly not those that worked for it.
Every country that adopted that philosophy has failed because the producers stopped producing and left ,voted with their feet.resulting in no investment in their future ,capital left for better more friendly environment, leaving the country with no producers,no Capital, nothing but the “needy”. examples CUBA,Venezuela,bolivia ,communist Russia(they changed)communist China ditto only after they were left 100 years behind in development !
iF OUR COMMUNIST PRESIDENT IS NOT stopped we will end up the same.We must make an about face next election ,8 years of this is about all the country can endure without permanent damage.When capital leaves ..its all over !
It is leaving ! witness Major Corps refusing to bring Capital back home .Thats the beginning of the end…
After paying in for 60 years I ,YOU WE have no choice but to demand they pay to those that paid in and demand they fullfill the contract weather it was implied or written it dosent matter. Every effort by politicians to turn it into a welfare scheme that they can bye votes with needs to be met with a large outcry and rage .
Its the only government program not paid for out of “General Funds”and was a specific “payroll tax”that working people earned .If you didnt pay in …you dont get it period….You must work to get it period.All suggestions that others can get in needs to be met by stiff resistance .No dire need ,no destitute exceptions,no “moral” exceptions.Its a private funded, private annuity type program administered by government that is the only reason it works,there are no moral reasons to give away its assets to the “needy”its not moral to steal ….Its the biggest thorn in the side of the Liberals because it worked without “need “being the criteria for getting a check.
It should NOT be called a “BENEFIT”.Its a Contract…None of it was voluntary.!We also should demand that no person should receive any of its funds that didn’t pay into it as a retirement program.
There are hundreds of other welfare programs funded by taxes that are designed to to be welfare and I have no argument with them.The real problem is they are always broke and SS is not ..thats why the ROBBERS want to ROB its funds ..they are decendents of “willie Sutton” the Bank Robber.DOes anyone condone Bank Robbery of citizens Savings ? If you do then you deserve to be shot for theft of private Savings like the thief you are .
If permitted nothing but chaos and anarchy will result and I am prepared for that ! Are you!
SS needs to be “off limits” to politicians ,thats why its called the Third rail of POLITICS .Violate the contract and you the politician needs to get thrown out on her ASS.or worse !
I believe Sprott does have what he says in his gold and silver funds … if that was the case in SLV and GLD I’d be very surprised.
What I’ve been saying for years. All this BS about phyz holdings in the ETF’s is nothing but…well…BS. If I’m wrong then show me the phyz audit for each one. Oh yeah, they don’t allow any audits do they?? The only one I reserve judgement on is Sprott. He’s a late comer and I believe if he has his phyz in his possession then he has it….but if he is relying on others like JP Moron then he doesn’t actually have it either. Hope he has it in possession though!! Silverngold