should I just keep paying in on social security and just hope things should be okay. What a crack up
Saudi Arabia to buy nuclear bombs from Pakistan: report
Thank you for saving me the time and trouble! Gesh!
silverngold @ 23:49 Re People Voting With Their Hand Out.
re your part:
“But like I said, he has bought and paid for so many that are not willing to give up their free ride so he will keep on until he has reduced America to ashes. Is he doing it alone?? No way!!”
The way I see it, it was obvious to me, America to ashes by the summer of 2008. Simply because of the past, that you described. The recent past, starting after 1945, was a big mistake for the long term, and 2008 exposed it.
Everything is in reverse now, but very much of the old past status quo is still visible.
if SS were honest
then it wouldn’t be a bankrupt program. Obviously many many more people extract wealth from it beyond what they put into it. It’s just another tax to my generation. I want an opt out clause. I don’t want anything from them, as long as they want nothing from me.
eeos @ 10:27 Welfare ?
It seems to me that if you paid for something its NOT welfare !
I paid for Social Security for 60 years and in addition I was self employed so I paid the employers half ALSO ..Thats hardly welfare, mandated by Law under threat of imprissionment.
I agree with “benefits” not paid for but not SS.
In Virginia as far as un employment is concerned the EMPLOYER pays it all ,the employee nothing .The State nothing, thats not welfare either ! You need to be specific and not Generalize !
Aureus’ key Liberian gold asset on track for first output end-May
JOHANNESBURG ( – Construction of Aureus Mining’s flagship New Liberty gold project, in Liberia, is nearing completion and on track to enable the delivery of first gold by the end of the month, the company noted in a quarterly results statement. New Liberty’s 924 000-oz reserves supported an openpit operation with an average yearly production rate of 1.1-million tons of ore over an eight-year mine life.
silverngold, Mr. copper, macedonia
Another regime change by the neocons and banksters in an attempt to hinder Russia’s Turk gas stream.
Surprising strength in the metals
Especially silver and considering the USD is in rally mode. Homebuilder sentiment missed, surprising since we are getting near the peak season.
Now, if the shares could just get out of their own way….
welfare thoughts
if you have a pension paid by the state, you’re a welfare recipient. If you get social security, you’re on welfare. If you collect unemployment, you’re on welfare. If you have a government job, you’re on welfare. People just confuse the facts of what constitutes taking a hand out. I could go on and on for years. In the end, when more people are in the wagon than pulling, something bad is going to happen. Probably not in the lifetimes of people in this room, but certainly for my generation
SilverNGold @ 23:49
Welfare being the cause of America’s apathy doesn’t add up. If 51% of Americans are receiving some sort of welfare, where are the other 49% who are not exhibiting their displeasure? As of April 13, 2015, 38.8% of welfare recipients are white. Are the remainder hiding under a rock? The American Revolution only took between 3 – 5% of the people of the country to toss the Brits out of North America. So there are plenty of Americans to do the job today. Apparently other reasons prevent their doing so, but it isn’t because they are receiving welfare.
The Writing’s on the Wall
Shape Of Greek Endgame Emerges: IMF Discussed “Cyprus-Like” Plan After Tsipras Warned Of Looming Default
As we said over the weekend, it’s all about Riga again for Greece. EU leaders will meet on Thursday and Friday in Latvia where PM Alexis Tsipras will try to secure a more favorable outcome than did FinMin Yanis Varoufakis who, last month in Riga, reportedly did more chiding and lecturing than negotiating, a performance that may ultimately cost him his job once all is said and done. The situation is far more urgent this time around, with Greece having tapped its IMF SDR account to make a payment to the Fund and with the banking sector running dangerously low on collateral that can be pledged for emergency liquidity.
A bit more color from Deutsche Bank:
One thing that is starting to come to a head is Greece. With an EU leaders summit in Riga scheduled for Thursday and Friday, we should have a good idea of where current negotiations stand by the end of the week. Talks may well pick up in pace over the next few days with a spokesman for the Syriza party saying on Greek TV (Mega) that ‘we’re striving for a mutually beneficial agreement by Friday’ while pushing the party line that ‘our mandate from the Greek people is to reach an agreement where we stay in the euro area without harsh austerity measures’…
One other factor that will likely add pressure to accelerate negotiations this week is the news over the weekend that Greece came close to being unable to pay the May 12th IMF repayment. According to Greek press Ekathimerini, PM Tsipras sent a letter on May 8th to the IMF’s Lagarde saying that the Greek government would not be able to repay the €750m unless the ECB allowed for Greece to issue more T-Bills. In the end, the government decided that it would only be able to repay after it emerged that Greece could use €650m of Special Drawing Rights issued by the IMF (and in turn exhaust their reserves). Since this, another memo sent by the IMF and reported by the UK’s Channel 4 on Saturday has suggested that Greece will be unable to make the IMF payment due June 5th unless a release of funds is achieved (this marks the next significant payment date).
Good morning Oasis
Dynasty Reports Financial Results for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2015
Lupaka Gold Reports Performance and Financial Highlights for the Three Months Ended March 31, 2015
Mining unions in Peru to start national strike Monday -unions
Eurasian Minerals Announces First Quarter 2015 Results
winedoc, what a pleasant surprise. Did you crawl out from the same rock Farmboy and AuGirl have been hiding under? n
I wondered if you might open the flaps after Flag posted vids of BB’s passing.
Here’s one to give the doc the momo for a holiday workday. I see MM is giving you the mojo already and filling yer prescriptions…
Gold Train
The market is popping… Let’s Roll!
Illinois Central lookalike… the Iowa Pacific hauls a
Chicago Railroad Superintendents Association special
silverngold @ 21:02
Its nothing more then a TAX Collection Scheme .
The Banks are allowed to rob steal plunder from any source ..then the Gubberment fines them because they couldent collect that much money in TAXES if they tried.
and its easier to collect from a handful of Banks than millions of unemployed and a lot more economical..
Eliminate the IRS and Fine the Banks …Why not ? as Willie Sutton the Bank Robber was asked why do you rob banks ? He said said “cause thats where the money is”.The Gubberment has legalized gambling,Lottery,numbers rackets ..why not bank robbery ? Crooks can’t make a living anymore the Gubberment dosent want the competition..
Mr Copper….I disagree with part of what you said!!
The only reason I can see for the people of America not standing up for themselves as they are in other countries is that they have been bought and paid for, by a president they knew was illegal, with free cell phones and foodstamps. Pretty cheap price to pay for their votes, and of course they won’t buck the system because they are getting something for nothing. The only exception I can see is Obama is pulling his race card and creating false flags all over America hoping he can agitate enough people so he can declare Martial Law and confiscate the rest of America’s guns. If he succeeds it is game over for America, and if, as some sources say, he has already moved foreign troops into America to handle his planned riots and roundups of Americans to move them to FEMA camps, then it is game over anyway. No president has EVER pulled so many dishonest and treasonous acts on their country and lived, or at the very least been impeached. But like I said, he has bought and paid for so many that are not willing to give up their free ride so he will keep on until he has reduced America to ashes. Is he doing it alone?? No way!! He is doing it with the blessings of his handlers and those he has bought and paid for, as well as his lying tongue and a bought and paid for Congress. What a POS, but the people deserve what they asked for (IMO) … All The Best!! Silverngold
@silverngold 21:11 re Thousands of anti-government protesters rally in Macadonia
It has nothing to do with free cell phones. I think its all about various countries being controlled by a hand full of global influences, or global governmental organizations. Thomas Jefferson said….”Any form government beyond county is oppressive”.
The people are revolting against the negative results of long distance influences. The Arab Spring could be turning into the “European Spring” and later the “USA Spring”. Independent self governing nations may be the future, because its just better that way for the masses in each country.
Like all separate independent self reliant American Indian Tribes. Its not good for one Indian tribe to make all the arrows for all the other tribes. Each tribe needs work.
The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both non-violent and violent), riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia with the Tunisian Revolution, and spread throughout the countries of the Arab League and its surroundings.
While the wave of initial revolutions and protests faded by mid-2012, some started to refer to the succeeding and still ongoing large-scale discourse conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa as the Arab Winter. The most radical discourse from Arab Spring into the still ongoing civil wars took place in Syria and Iraq as early as the second half of 2011.