If you have COPD hope you have or can get a nebulizer with Meds on hand you can take if needed. Some of these meds though inhalers can lower your immune system that keeps the inflammation at bay. Pollen also out now on top of what their polluting us with. A heppa filter should help. They have some kinds you can wash the filter not having to keep buying more. The change of weather, moisture or pressure plus pollen can be hard or people with allergies and COPD. Again if that’s what it is.
You are very kind to take the trouble to advise me and I thank you. A year ago the respiratory therapist who facilitates my monthly breather’s group suggested an oxygen meter but I neglected to obtain one. I’ve put the item on my shopping list and will finally buy it but will not be contacting a doctor while my astrology looks negative for the medical profession. In all my life they have not done well by me and if I hadn’t taken matters into my own hands I would not be alive today.
For many years I excelled at Medical Astrology and used my talent to bring health to a number of people. So I am well aware of the condition of my lungs, heart and spine and when it is safe to see an allopathic doctor and when it is dangerous. It isn’t that I adhere to their suggestions, I only visit them for a diagnosis and then have always taken it from there.
It is unfortunate that you allowed the docs to put their poisons in you, your immune system must have gone on immediate alert but was unable to ward off illness. Always keep on hand a homeopathic remedy called Adrenal Support. Take it whenever you feel stressed, it will keep your adrenal glands in a healthy condition and it is the adrenal glands that protect your immune system. Also drink fresh lemon juice in water every day, it gives a boost to the immune system.
France to keep 7,000 soldiers in streets
Letting all those refugees in turned out to be a bad idea and now becoming critical. With the Euro debt also in question going forward this doesn’t look too good for the French citizens .
What you said about rates exploding and the need for more QE is so damn logical! 🙂
Logic in the markets has been gone for at least 30 years now. (:
We’ll see.
Good business model
Silver Wheaton Reports Record Production of Over Ten Million Silver Equivalent Ounces in the First Quarter of 2015
Claude Sets Another Quarterly Gold Production Record and Earns $5.1 Million in Q1
Buygold @ 19:54
Yep our pro gold pundits have been wrong for a long time, but I don’t really blame them. Who can make a call with this constant manipulation going on?
I was gone the last hour and didn’t see that nice PM comeback, but that’s ok … I’ll take it anyways. 🙂
That bond action is pretty crazy … if it starts lifting the rates that the govvy pays then the impact could be huge. I imagine the printing presses will be going full tilt if that happens. Onward to QE3 … or is it 4?
Have a great evening!
Ipso, portugeezer,maddog
I really hope Embry is right about something breaking beneath the surface, but to be honest Embry, Sprott and GATA have been saying that for quite awhile now. What does have me curious is the worldwide bond selloff. Sinclair used to say if rates exploded gold would explode. The problem is that if rates creep higher, gold sells off. He admits that.
Unfortunately this isn’t the 70’s, algo’s now dominate, everything seems wired and controlled. I guess until it’s not?
The fact that JPM has accumulated 350 million oz. of silver is NOT comforting, to me it means they have a bunch of physical to dump on the market if they need to keep the price down. If we wake up one day and see price explosion in the metals, what does that mean? Have we gained anything?
Like the way the shares acted today, if we were in normal markets that MIGHT indicate gold rallies on a weak jobs report but who the hell knows?
Moggy Get an OXYGEN Meter !
a few years ago I was feeling extremely weak,I went to the emergency room.The Dr examined me and said my oxygen level was 50 ,but I had NO fever ,so he sent me home..What an idiot ..I went to my gen practioner ,he said the same thing…another idiot…First think.. get yourself one of those finger thingies that you stick your finger in and it reads out your oxygen and pulse .I f your oxygen is less than 98 0r so and you are weak ..see a pulmonologist .After two weeks I lost 20 lbs and my son dragged me back to the Gen Practioner and then he got concerned when he saw I lost twenty lbs…Back to the Hospital and a pulmonoligest was called who couldent see anything on xray or cat scans but treated me for Pneumonia anyway …DUH ! No oxygen means either Lung or Heart needs to be checked NO ?
He got it right ! and recovery was fast ,but not before the Hospital tried to kill me 3 times ,but that another story.Oxygen meters are cheap..about $30 …just stick your finger in and in seconds it checks your oxygen level ..tada ! Walmart carrys them or go on Line as I did (DEVON Medical)Never been sick before in 77 years until I took the GP advice and took a Pneumonia SHOT …the next winter season I got Pneumonia what idiots…..and so was I for taking their Pneumonia shot advice… …
I check OXYGEN once week ..its always 99 ..never below 98 thats normal for me ..If I find its less Im going to investigate !
Find whats normal for you and go from there..
Maya and Goldie
Thanks very much for your input. I had applied Oregano Essential Oil to the bottoms of my feet so that it would get into my blood stream to try to fight this thing. I have no idea if it helped or not. I suffer from COPD and keep the herbal tincture of Lomatium on hand and use it to prevent pneumonia. My breathing condition worsened during a hospitalization two years ago due to an idiot employee coming into my room and spraying some awful stuff that all but choked me.
My astro transits are rather dangerous for April and May, so I’ve been prepared in case I would become too sick to get out. At this point in time my astro indicates that doctors are and will be a menace so I am avoiding them like the plague.
I’m going to try steaming the Oregano oil and breathing it in to see if that improves things. Again, thank you both.
I looked this up for you for FYI it’s from a doctor who sells things but good info.. If that’s the culprit. Chemtrails are bringing down fungus. I stood out a few nights had a cig. Yeah I know but looked up saw the chemtrails it was scary. They were dropping on us and fast. It wasn’t fog these were the Chemtrail lines coming down just dropping real fast in a straight line. I got back in was watching some kids one with upper respiratory issues. Closed the windows locked up. Then in a little while when they landed I started getting congested not only me but the little girl I had to watch out for at the exact same time.
Maybe it’s time to see a doctor get a breathing treatment possibly going on and identify the culprit. Coming off winter if it is a mild it could and can be life threatening as well as pneumonia. Some molds are difficult to treat. Oil of oregano can help along with acidic things like vinager maybe DEHa and organic yogurts. There is a bunch of herbs but many but if your having trouble with bad fatigue of shortness of breath on exertion and hasn’t got better magnet time for doctors visit. Ps probably don’t have to tell you about vita C especially lots of natural forms or peroxide a apple vinegars in vaporizers maybe . Peppermint tea helps a little can mix with ginger for temp relief.
Good luck to UKIP! At least they seem to have a better picture of reality.
I too hope the Rig can be broken by electing new Pols…..we have a General election tdy in the UK and hopefully UKIP will do well, if so that will be a start.
I voted for them and have money on their seats. The polls and the bookies say no, but anecdotal evidence says they will do well.
Austrian Nat.Bank asked – Never ask about Gold again
… and that was about 12 y’s ago.
“While gold’s counterintuitive price performance is mentioned, The Economist attributes this only to a supposed proliferation of investment options, as if investors haven’t always had alternatives to government currencies and the monetary metals.
The Great Unmentionable, of course, is surreptitious central bank selling of gold and gold derivatives, which, while fully documented by GATA here —
— must be ignored as The Economist upholds the first rule of mainstream financial journalism: Never put a critical question to a central bank, especially a critical question about gold.”
Maddog @ 12:48
Well … I sure don’t want to see the world break into pieces when the shi# does hit the fan. I’d rather be living in a town where I don’t have to fend off starving children or thieves waiting outside the grocery store … but it sure looks like some serious economic dislocations have to happen before the rig is smashed.
Portugeezer/Ipso re Manipulation
Not sure it’s a new problem, more that they have to keep it all looking good, because if it does start to unravel, they probably can’t stop it, as they have blown bubbles/created crowded trades all over the place. They are all short rates and PM’s, long the SM and Dollar, which are the Bubble trades now, with the Fed under their orders to intervene whenever, like tdy it gets dicey.
Then later when the investigations start as to why it all fell apart, they know people will go ape when they find what has been going on and hidden etc in the system, lynchings will be demanded.
They have to maintain the facade.
Saved By The Broken Euronext: Manic-Selling Becomes Panic-Buying In Global Bond, Stock Markets
This blatant market manipulation activity to me suggests there’s something worse going on behind the scenes than you and I think…All i can see is increasing volatility in the system…this is blowing a hole in derivatives. Given how intrusive derivatives are on bank balance sheets there has to be problem that they are trying to cover up…
The eventual upside of silver, to me, is why all the pain is worthwhile. As long as you are not playing with the sharks in the paper market and getting cleaned out on a regular basis and you’re using this opportunity to acquire physical silver, I think you are going to wake up in the not too distance future and be shocked at the magnitude of the price gain.– John Embry
interview http://www.silverdoctors.com/john-embry-a-serious-upside-explosion-in-silver-is-coming/
Federal Appeals Court Rules Mass NSA Spying On US Citizens Not Authorized By Patriot Act
Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 05/07/2015 09:57 -0400
While Edward Snowden may be legally charged for treason in the US (even as he gets his own statue in Berlin), his contributions to US civil rights just got a huge validation by none other than the Federal appeals court which ruled moments ago that the National Security Agency’s controversial collection of millions of Americans’ phone records isn’t authorized by the Patriot Act, as the Bush and Obama administrations have long maintained.
It would appear America’s transformation into a “Big Brother” police state is not endorsed by every branch of the government after all.
As the WSJ reports, the ruling by the three-judge panel in New York “comes at a delicate point in the national debate over government surveillance, as Section 215 of the Patriot Act is due to expire next month and lawmakers are haggling about whether to renew it, modify it, or let it die.”
The court’s ruling came in a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union arguing the data collection should be stopped because it violates Americans’ privacy rights. A lower court judge ruled the program was constitutional, and the civil liberties group appealed, leading to Thursday’s decision.
“The text of (Section 215) cannot bear the weight the government asks us to assign to it, and…does not authorize the telephone metadata program,’’ the court wrote.
Moggy @ 9:03
It sounds like Mycoplasma. These are the toxins that mold emits. Treat like mold, or more importantly.. like systemic poisoning from the mycoplasma.
Moggy @ 8:56
Fingers crossed for California!
Good morning Oasis
Golden Minerals Reports First Quarter 2015 Financial Results
AuRico Gold Reports First Quarter Financial Results; Company-Wide Production of 54,027 Gold Ounces at Cash Costs of $696 per Ounce and Reconfirms Annual Guidance; Declares Dividend
Great Panther Silver Reports First Quarter 2015 Financial Results
Gold Fields Limited: Q1 2015 – A Weaker Quarter as Planned
Alamos Reports First Quarter 2015 Results
First Majestic Reports First Quarter Financial Results
Golden Star First Quarter 2015 Financial Results and Project Update
Richmont Mines Reports a 23% Increase in Production and a 16% Reduction in Cash Costs in the First Quarter of 2015
Royal Gold Acquires Gold Streams on Wassa, Bogoso and Prestea from Golden Star Resources
Hecla Reports First Quarter 2015 Results
Maya, the Trainman
Thank you. I threw everything in my healing repertoire at this sucker, to no avail…have never seen anything like it…not a virus, not a bacteria, not a mold/fungus…and no way to fight it to my knowledge. It runs its own course, differing every day. From the outset I have taken Lomatium tincture to protect my lungs, which are not in good shape. Have begun thinking bad thoughts about the SOBs who do this to people, especially to the children…trying not to and to let God sort it all out…a struggle with spirituality on top of everything else.
NOTE: On May 5, 2015 I received from an acquaintance a video done by an astronomer from the Netherlands, wherein he explains a planetary lineup that, to him, suggests a massive earthquake may strike the west coast of the U.S. – probably Los Angeles or San Francisco – on May 28, 2015. He mentions the prediction by Nostradamus of the state of California suffering an earthquake that will cause it to fall into the ocean. The video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uVI8cQ3Hpo
Astronomers use the Sidereal Zodiac (where the position of the Sun is referenced against the star background as a measure of the flow of time. Most western astrologers, myself included, use the Tropical Zodiac (where the position of the Sun is referenced against the earth’s horizon at a particular locale, which gives the seasons as a measure of the flow of time. The framework for the four seasons are the two solstices and the two equinoxes). Due to the differences in the two zodiacs, I thought to check out the horoscopes of California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego to see if astrology indicated danger to these areas. My findings are that the astronomer may very well be on target. At the least, if I lived in California, most particularly the cities indicated, I would be leaving yesterday. My findings indicate that Los Angeles will take the greatest hit…San Francisco may also experience an earthquake. If, indeed, those two cities are shaken, San Diego will not escape the effects.
On January 26, 1700 a major earthquake struck Seattle, Washington. This chart is important as a foundation horoscope and forecasting tool. Any outer planet activation of the degree zones of the T-Square of Sun in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio and Pluto in Leo, in addition to Sun inconjunct Uranus, could trigger a significant event. Also strong links to Saturn in Pisces.
DATA – Inner wheel – The State of California
SEPT. 9, 1850 – Time unknown – Sacramento, California
Outer wheel – Transits @ 4 p.m. on May 28, 2015
Astrological criteria for earthquakes:
Visibility of a recent Lunar Eclipse…CHECK…the Lunar Eclipse of April 4, 2015 @ 14* Libra 24’ was visible in California.
A majority of planets on one side of the zodiac…CHECK…six of the ten planets are on one side of the zodiac.
Interaction with the Mega Thrust Earthquake chart…CHECK…the Moon of CA’s chart conjoins Mars in the T-Square of the Mega Thrust EQ chart…Pluto of LA’s chart conjoins Sun of Mega chart…Venus of San Francisco’s chart opposes Mars of the Mega chart…Uranus of San Diego’s chart is square Pluto of the Mega chart. On May 28, 2015 the transits of Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune and Pluto stimulate the Mega Thrust EQ chart.
CALIFORNIA…The most dangerous transits are Sun square natal Neptune…Moon conjoined natal Mars/Mercury…Uranus conjoined natal Saturn (triggering the natal Saturn opposition Mercury/Mars)…Pluto contra-parallel natal Mercury…and the New Moon of May 18th trine natal Jupiter on the last and critical degree of Virgo.
LOS ANGELES…The most dangerous transits are Mars applying to a square of natal Sun…Mars opposition natal Saturn…Jupiter inconjunct natal Mars…North Node conjoined natal Venus…Saturn inconjunct natal Uranus…retrograde Pluto conjunct natal Mars…Neptune opposition natal Sun…Mars parallel natal Uranus…Uranus parallel natal Sun within one minute…and the New Moon of May 18th is square natal Mercury within eleven minutes of exact.
SAN FRANCISCO…The most dangerous transits are Sun on same degree as transiting Nodes…Nodes on same degree as natal Venus…Moon opposition natal Saturn…Moon square natal Mars…Mars square natal Jupiter…Mars sextile natal Saturn…Neptune square transiting retrograde Mercury…Pluto opposition natal Mars…USranus parallel natal Jupiter…and the New Moon of May 18th is semi-sextile natal Uranus, natal Sun and natal Pluto.
SAN DIEGO…The most dangerous transits are Sun square natal Neptune…Moon square natal Pluto…Venus conjunct natal Saturn…Venus on same degree as natal Nodes…Mars semi-sextile natal Uranus…Saturn trine natal retrograde Mercury…Pluto conjunct natal Pluto…and the Full Moon of June 2nd is opposition natal Venus.