OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

MSM Caught Lying: Breaking Jade Helm Update

Posted by silverngold @ 23:02 on May 1, 2015  


WANKA @ 21:58….Thank you for that update

Posted by silverngold @ 22:47 on May 1, 2015  

One thing I have learned in my research of the subject is that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to cannabis. If big pharma and the medical industry would take their boot off cannabis neck and allow it to be tested and researched properly I think it would probably put much of big pharma out of business. Of course that will not happen since they cannot patent it and make trillions that they are now making poisoning the public with the “cut, poison, and burn” protocol they continue to push, even though it has more than a 95% fail rate and more die from the treatment than die from the cancer. Like Duby said, his success rate was more than 75%, and that was from people the medical industry had already done irreparable damage to and given up on. Rick Simpson says the same, and if one is interested in watching testimonials of the good cannabis can do the internet is full of them by the thousands, and for every conceivable form of cancer. As time passes the stigma is slowly eroding as people become aware that cannabis is a medicine, not another addiction causing substance like alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes.  Anyway, RIP Duby!!

WANKA @ 20:50

Posted by ipso facto @ 21:46 on May 1, 2015  

That’s great news that there seems to be some benefit there! Fingers crossed and thumbs up. 🙂

Ipso and Wanka

Posted by silverngold @ 21:15 on May 1, 2015  

Ipso…thanks. I’m not so sure Canada’s medical system is not okay overall. They have made great strides in some areas, such as heart surgeries, stints, etc  and I understand there is little or no wait in that case once the patient has been diagnosed. I certainly hope they are not put on a waiting list to get diagnosed but I don’t know. What I do know is that the system will continue to deteriorate unless people are made aware there are problems and require the gov to straighten them out.

Wanka….that’s great news on your COPD. The first video I posted has a lot of good info, even if the guy is a little goofy looking. LOL!!! One thing he says is don’t stop the oil. Go through whatever protocol you are doing and when it is finished continue with a drop a day “forever”. That will maintain the good stuff the cannabis did for you and prevent the return of the problem.

All the Best…Silverngold


Posted by ipso facto @ 20:38 on May 1, 2015  

I had thought that the health care system in Canada was pretty good … as socialized medicine goes, I guess I was wrong. Those wait times are atrocious!

Good luck with your pushing strategy!

Some great info on Cannabis cures.

Posted by silverngold @ 20:27 on May 1, 2015  

Open your minds and listen to what they have to say. It may be worth your life, or the life of a friend or loved one.




ipso facto @ 16:30….Yeah, I’ve heard the same

Posted by silverngold @ 18:47 on May 1, 2015  

Mexico too, or some surgeons from Canada going on holidays to other countries, their waiting Canadian patients following them there, getting their operations for pretty big bucks, like one was $60,000 for knee replacement, then returning to Canada. That really sucks!! it’s normally not a shortage of Doctors to do these surgeries, it’s the Gov who is unwilling to allow the surgeries due to the gov cost. An MLA contacted me about an hour or so ago. Very nice guy but was defending the system based on what he had been told from the Ministry of Health. They are trying to balance the budget so we can suffer until they do. I told him it should be about health care, not about balancing their budget. If it costs more than they are charging then charge more and get things back into balance again. He kinda disputed what I am saying so we terminated the call but he did ask me to call him after I see the surgeon next week. He said he has been told anyone who needs immediate surgery will get it. My wife, an RN here, says that’s true if I fall down the stairs and break everything to hell. Then they will take me right in. Well, there’s gotta be another way and I’m going to keep yelling until they wake up and face the problem they have created for themselves and begin to straighten it out, or they can show me statistics where I am wrong in what I am saying. Name any field in the BC health care system and there is going to be a long wait to get help. I have developed a skin rash problem, probably due to the pain from the hip since I can never relax so my nerves are on edge day and night. Anyway, my GP, who is great, referred me to a specialist to get a puncture biopsy. I already got an appointment….but it’s in July, a three month wait to even get a consultation. Whatever, I’m handling that one ok myself and the rash is disappearing using natural remedies. I personally know of a case where a friends brother was vacationing in Japan, got sick so they treated him there, learned he had a serious cancer and sent him home for immediate treatment and surgery. He got put on a 3 month waiting list here and died before his surgery came up. This isn’t medicine, this is an outrage that needs lots of exposure and fresh air. I’ve got lots of other stories but you get the picture. They need their feet held to the fire to straighten it out, not let off the hook by going someplace else and paying out of my own pocket when I have paid into the plan now for the past 40 years. It’s the principle of the thing!! All the Best…..Silverngold

silverngold @ 16:07

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:30 on May 1, 2015  

I’ve heard of people going to India with good surgery results. It ended up costing about half, counting all the travel and hotels etc.

WANKA @ 15:57….EXACTLY, and well said!!

Posted by silverngold @ 16:22 on May 1, 2015  

Totally agree with every word. Time to clean house and get the country back. All the Best!!…..Silverngold


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:21 on May 1, 2015  

Well kinds the same thing, we have people with poor ethics willing to give everyone haircut but themselves. When they make decisions on something they know little about , every time the economy turns down this sort of thing gets worse.

Wanka them working on another sort of civil asset forfeiture called a cashless banking system and lining things up in their favor. Their talking about this here too.


goldielocks @ 15:30….glad to see your thinking is straight

Posted by silverngold @ 16:07 on May 1, 2015  

Do you know any taxi drivers in my neck of the woods who do hip replacement surgery?? I’m getting desperate!! LOL!!! Yes, I can go to the US and get it done for about $55000 but since I have paid into this system for the past 40 years it’s more the principle of the thing. The system owes me and they’re gonna have their feet in the fire until they yell uncle and do the right thing. I have received a huge awakening trying to get some priority placement for this surgery. There is a backlog of many thousands waiting for the same operation across the province and that backlog increases daily. It’s not the surgeons fault. They want to do more surgeries. It’s the Province who is restricting each surgeon to 2 operations per week in order for the province to save a few bucks. I of course am most interested in getting my own hip replacement and getting back to normal living, but with my own Orthopedic Surgeon having a current backlog of well over 400 awaiting the same surgery, if they are in as much pain and suffering as I’m in, and he says they are, I hesitate to push to the front of the line. But that’s what I’m trying to do. I still full time farm, and believe me when I say it is impossible to be a one legged farmer, so I gotta pull every string I can, think of myself first for a change, and get some priority surgery. Otherwise not only my own health continue to deteriorate but my wife, who works full time and is trying to fill in for me, will begin wearing down too, and same with the kids still at home and in HS at the top of their academic classes as well as part time jobs, Soccer, dance and personal activities. I just can’t keep asking them for more help as they have their whole lives in front of them, and they have to deal with this world long after I am gone. Anyway, it’s a frustration, but being the “squeaky wheel” may be starting to pay off as more and more people in power are being made aware of the problem!!  They may decide to do the surgery just to shut me up.  LOL!!!             Silverngold


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:42 on May 1, 2015  

Correction, popularly support is not 1150 it’s 1180 ish which it just dropped below today. Now have to watch out, it could signal a new support much below 1150 if it doesn’t bottom here.

4/30/2015 — ANOTHER Large volcanic eruption in Chile at Calbuco Volcano — Major Seismic Unrest

Posted by silverngold @ 15:37 on May 1, 2015  



Posted by goldielocks @ 15:30 on May 1, 2015  

Propaganda that puts people in the defensive which causes the targeting. Anti vaxers being targeted their a threat, vaxers being targeted their not safe, christians feel their being targeted, Jews feel their being targeted, blacks feeling their being targeted, Mexicans feel their being targeted, and I bet muslims feel their being targeted. It’s causing a divide in what was once a country with some rule of law anyways. All the other sees is one wanting favoritism over the other. Without rule of law that’s fair for all instead of making and changing laws that deny rights of others it will continue to attack the bill of rights. As gov goes it then always swings too far one way or the other causing unbalance.
It’s like if you had two kids who went to you about a problem. If you have no clear rules then if you decide one over the other the other would feel your playing favorites and you love one more than the other. The gov loves no one but themselves. The rule of laws or ethics have no value to selfish people. Like Armstrong said about gov being all lawyers that don’t know anything else and would be like going to a taxi driver to get brain surgery. We need other people involved.
This will not only target the vulnerable but the poor which most young parents are just living from pay check to pay check can’t afford to pay for private school or home school because they work. The others who can will pull their kids out and schools will lose funding for those kids.
In a declining society they know people need to have an illusion they are better off than the next where the divide and conquer comes in.and it is gov.

WANKA @ 14:44 Thanks for that simple truth video

Posted by silverngold @ 15:23 on May 1, 2015  

When are people gonna realize…..It’s not the people who are the criminals, it’s the Government who ARE the criminals, and until the Government is taken down they will continue taking the people down. Cash issued by the government should never be able to be restricted as to its use. After all, it’s cash that was earned by the citizen and issued by the country, and if someone wants to pay by the thousands or millions in cash they should have a right to do so. Time to clean house!! (IMO)


Gotta love the way

Posted by Buygold @ 14:53 on May 1, 2015  

Gold and silver are inching higher but the shares are not. The boyz just never let you win. Ever.


Posted by Buygold @ 14:51 on May 1, 2015  

I agree with you. Sounds like in Rickards dream that’s coming fairly quickly like 2016 but there’ll still be a chance for us to sell our gold for $40K units or something like that before the purge.

Who effing knows? I don’t believe Rickards any more than I believe larryc’s boy Russell. toon2b

commish @ 14:20 Thanks for the HAHA, this one, maybe already posted, tells the story in proper perspective too.

Posted by silverngold @ 14:38 on May 1, 2015  


SB 277 – California’s vaccine violence targets genetically vulnerable children who can’t eliminate the harmful toxins

Posted by silverngold @ 14:23 on May 1, 2015  



Emerging information reveals that some children are genetically vulnerable to the chemical additives found in vaccines, putting them at far higher risk of injury and damage.

California’s SB 277 would essentially sacrifice all these children in the interests of pushing a risky medical intervention without consent.

It’s a gross violation of ethics, civil rights and possibly even existing state law:



Posted by commish @ 14:20 on May 1, 2015  

clip_image001_thumb https://jsmineset.com

The Corbett Report, and it’s a good one!!

Posted by silverngold @ 13:02 on May 1, 2015  

These guys are like a breath of fresh air. We’ve heard so many lies it is refreshing to hear the truth come out from such brilliant and hard working guys….and they cover lots of important truths in this issue.


It’s official

Posted by Buygold @ 12:58 on May 1, 2015  

The real reason gold has been down the last three days is because yields on the Ten-Year Bonds have risen to 2.11% and that’s why gold is unattractive at these levels. The USD doesn’t matter.

I only know this because the Fast Money boyz on CNBC said so.

and there you have it….

Buygold @ 11:50

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:55 on May 1, 2015  

If they can successfully ban cash then they’ve got us by the neck. It’s all over then.

RIP Ben E. King

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:46 on May 1, 2015  

Caledonia Mining

Posted by SilverFFox52 @ 12:41 on May 1, 2015  

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Apr 30, 2015 (Marketwired via COMTEX) — Caledonia Mining Corporation (the “Company”) (CAL)(otcqx:CALVF)(aim:CMCL) announces that it has received notification today that mutual funds managed by Allan Gray, a South African investment trust/fund manager have increased their interest in the Company to 7,039,500 common shares from 6,382,500 common shares, representing 13.5 per cent of the current issued share capital of the Company.



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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.